Everything You Need to Know About Home Canning SafetysteemCreated with Sketch.

in homesteading •  7 years ago 


Home canning is an economical way to preserve your harvest for years to come. If you’re growing a home garden, or can go to local farmers/farmers’ markets and purchase in bulk, canning foods can save your half the cost of buying from the store.

All vegetables begin losing some of their nutritional constituents the moment they are picked. The amounts of vitamins A and C, thiamin and riboflavin decrease within a matter of days. Even home canning will destroy some of the vegetable’s nutrition, however, if they are canned soon after harvesting, they can be more nutritious than the fresh crop at the local grocery store.

Canning Safety

The primary concern with canning goods is creating an environment that prevents that growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds. Primarily, we’re concerned with Clostridium botulinum, or botulism, which is a deadly form of food poisoning.

To prevent the growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds, we:

Carefully wash fresh foods

Washing the food we're canning can do a lot in the way of removing mold spores or bacteria that's naturally occurring in the soil.

Peeling Foods

For some root vegetables, washing in hot water simply isn't enough. Peeling them will remove the bacteria that washing couldn't get to.

Hot Packing

Hot packing is when we pack the canning jars with the fruits or vegetables we're canning, and pour a hot liquid (usually water or vinegar) over the top before we process. This hot liquid will get into all of the nooks and crannies in the food and help kill even more bacteria.

Adding An Acid

For those low acid foods, the recipe often calls for adding an acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar, to help lower the pH and increase the acidity.

Using Jars and Lids in Good Condition

If you're using the typical Ball canning jars and lids, visually inspect them for any defects and only use them once.

If you're using reusable lids like these from Tattler, just make sure they are clean and warmed up before use.

Processing According to the Recipe

Depending on the food's pH level, you may be required to boiling water can, or pressure can. Processing your canning jars according to it's recipe will ensure you do it the correct way, for the correct amount of time.

Together, these practices help to remove oxygen, kill any unwanted bacteria, yeasts or molds, and create a high vacuum. A good vacuum will suck the canning jar lid inwards, creating a tight seal.

Botulism is a major concern with canning because, unlike some bacteria and molds, it thrives in low-acid foods with less than 2% oxygen. Botulism exists naturally in soil and water, and it present on most fresh food surfaces. However, they only multiple in the absence of oxygen, so it is harmless on fresh foods.

To prevent the growth of bacteria, molds, yeast, and especially Botulism, follow the instructions provided for each recipe carefully. Peeling, washing, and blanching can help reduce the amount of bacteria, etc. but sterilizing the jars properly, and processing the canned goods in the recommend way, for the recommend time, is the most important.

Food Acidity

The method and amount of time required for processing depends on the acidity in the food. Low-acid foods are not acidic enough on their own to prevent the growth of botulism or other bacterias.

Low-acid foods have a pH higher than 4.6. They include red meats, seafoods, poultry, milk and all fresh vegetables except for tomatoes. These foods must have acid added (lemon juice, citric acid or vinegar) to raise their acid levels or be processed at much higher temperatures (in a pressure canner).

High-acid foods have a pH of 4.6 or lower. These include fruit, pickles, sauerkraut, jams, jellies, marmalades and fruit butters.

This is where pressure canning come into play. A pressure canner uses pressure (measured in pounds per square inch – PSI) to reach temperatures higher than boiling water. These increased temperatures are what is needed to ensure the death of those pesky buggers.

Altitude Considerations

Those who live in higher altitudes, namely above 1000 feet, know that water boils at a lower temperatures as altitude increases. I live pretty close to sea level, so I don't have a lot of experience with canning in high altitude. Check out The Spruce's guide on how to adjust your canning recipes for your altitude.

Here's a list of all of the recipes I've published that are suitable for canning: Recipes with Canning Instructions.

Now it's your turn! Any canning safety tips you've heard over the years? Or canning fails? I just read that you don't have to simmer Ball lids before use...not sure how I feel about that...

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I am so happy you commented on my milkweed post and I get to meet you here. I love canning too, I have just finished my tomato, applesauce and jams for the season. Our garden is about done, just have squash and peppers left. You have a new follower to see your great blog posts. Thanks! :-)

Following you back! We moved in the middle of the summer so I didn't have a garden to speak of, but I've planted a Fall garden full of kale, cabbage, and spinach. But I was just commenting to my husband that we need to grow a HUGE squash crop next year, because I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. YUM!

Lol, that is my favorite ever!!! I love squash and try to grow at least 4 different winter varieties along with summer squash. My kale and chard are huge right now, I thought of throwing some spinach in this week, if I can get to it. Isn't gardening the best.

I love it!! My mom just had a type of squash that's not very common but you can eat the skin as well...I'm blanking on the name tho

There are so many varieties of squash, I grow 5 myself. lol

Great article! I am new to steemit and new to canning. I just started canning two months ago and found this helpful and informative. I look forward to reading more! Thanks!

I hope it helped! I had been canning for years before I read a book that completely laid out the reasoning behind the madness! So I figured others might not know, too! And Steemit's all about sharing information.

Wonderful article, thank you for sharing and I'll share to one of my pages.

good beans .....
please log in to my blog also friend.

Are there any advantages to canning vs. freezing? Other than power costs obviously, but since I'm running a freezer anyway I'm wondering if it's worth the effort/cost for most stuff as opposed to just putting it in freezer bags since I don't yet have any canning equipment.

Some things do better canned then frozen, but if you have the freezer space, go for it! Soups can be frozen in gallon freezer bags, tomatoes can be frozen whole! We freeze things when we don't have the time to can.

valuable info

You have a knowledgeable talent. Thank you for sharing your talent of canning, the instructions and recipe's of canning seems hard for me to do, i just love to eat.. :)

The Recipes with Canning instructions link has been bookmarked in my browser. Looks like I'll be doing some canning soon.

I'm currently working on a canning eBook, so keep an eye out for that too!

I think i love the thermal treatment
i mean pressure canning
It is the best
It is safe and somehow prolong there shell life
Tried it with a meat and stayed for 3 months

They found canned food in a sunken steamer boat 100 years later and it was still safe!! Looked awful, but they tested it and it had grown absolutely no bacteria in the 100 years it was at the bottom of the river! So cool!

Yes. It is safe as it prevent bacteria growth. Thanks for the information

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i think i like it very much