My Parents Honey Harvest

in homesteading •  6 years ago 

I am so proud of my parents for all the ways the choose to give back and care for Mother Earth. My Dad started learning to be a beekeeper about 5 years ago and he added a second hive this year as well.
They send their honey to be processed which I think is awesome because they get to support a local business helping the earth and they save the sticky mess 😅


My family members and I wait in anticipation for this honey and I can tell you it is the best honey I have ever tasted. It is so smooth and sweet and I savor every last drop of it. It does really help with my allergies and has kept me off allergy medicine.


They had a much bigger supply this year and it's been awesome to watch the hive thrive and grow. It's also wonderful to see dad passionate about something and have a fun hobby that also gives back to the earth.


This is the beautiful honey comb that is left. I love how gorgeous and perfect they are. I have some small pieces on my alter because I love to meditate on the shapes and it really reminds me of how we are all connected!

Happy Saturday Steemians, May your day be filled with love and peace 💜🙏🏻

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