Homesteaders/Survivors unite to support each other via Steembay

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

What is steembay?

Steembay is Steemit's version of Ebay/Etsy, except there is a MAJOR difference. There are ZERO posting fees and ZERO final value fees and since payment is made with SBD, there are zero payment processor fees. That means more SBd in your pocket.

Why should we use it to support each other?

Most people in the homesteading/survival communities are either off grid or working toward being off grid or at the very least, have a safe place to bug out too. Many are making or growing their own income to pay for the things they can't provide through their own efforts.

We tend to be a resourceful lot with many craft persons, builders, creators, etc., etc. Most can benefit by having additional income from their efforts or they can use the products being made by others.

Steembay is a baby and if we help it grow up it will help us earn

A lot of people in our community attend local fairs and market days to sell their products. Can any of your products be delivered via mail? If so, you can sell it on Steembay.

Do you make an electronic product (graphics, scripts or whatever) from home? Could you sell them on Steembay?

Extra bonus

Steemit is about people helping people. Our efforts at providing content and in curating content, earns use a usable income. This is with no cash outlay, only the time it took to create or curate.

We can then use that income to purchase products we want or need from others in the community. Again, this costs us no money, only the time it took to create or curate posts.

But, one little extra happens that most people have overlooked until now.

Steembay Auctions can be upvoted!

Think about this. If an auction earns roughly the equivalent of 1 SBD in upvotes, that is 1 SBD less that is needed to make the sale worthwhile to the seller. There is a guy selling silver coins at less than melt prices because his posts are earning enough upvotes to make up the difference.

Think seriously about selling products through Steembay

Think about what you could sell? Are you making crafts or growing food someone else could use? I can see us selling seeds, crafts, food we've grown and used items that still have value but we don't need anymore.

I am planting Chamomile this year because at $2.50 a box that only lasts 10 days, it will save me about $90 a year. Why can't a grow extra and make it available to others who are not growing it. It sells for about $24 a pound on Amazon. I could sell it for around $15 to $16 in SBD, and that would cover postage, help me keep the lights on and give the buyer a great deal.

The possibilities are endless IF WE HELP STEEMBAY GROW!

Please check out the Steembay Tutorial to learn more and get involved!

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Thank you very much @survivingslav14


What a great idea. I'll share this post. I also have your Sotall page bookmarked as well.

Thanks for what you're doing! I am one of those 'like-minded people'.

Thank you very much @intspekt

Fantastic - I had no idea this even existed 😊

I think it will be a great resource for all of us!

Awesome! Ive been looking for an alternative to ebay that uses crypto. Im stoked and im going to check it out asap. Thank you for posting this info. Great insite into being a usefull resource for homesteaders.

That's the spirit! Go for it!

Thank you will look into it.

Thank you very much @lacostas

This ecosystem keeps surprising me!

It has so much potential! We just need to build it with like minded people!

Nice post and resteemed...👍👏👏👏🎉✌️