Homemade Beeswax Salve!steemCreated with Sketch.

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey there! It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted as winter prep, preparing for the seasonal markets here and a cold bug that made it's way through the house have kept me super busy. All that is done now, so I am back!

We made this great Calendula, Dandelion and Safflower Salve a couple of weeks back.....

It turned out great and it was so easy to make!

This salve is excellent for all kinds of stuff. The dandelion in it makes it good for achy muscles and joints.

Dried dandelions from this summer
safflower petals

Added as well are Safflower and Calendula petals. Their antiseptic and antimicrobial action help speed up healing of wounds, rashes, minor cuts. The Salve can also be used for relief from insect bites, diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin problems. Invaluable stuff!!

All the flowers I used are from my gardens here this summer. The first step is to dry them if you are using fresh. They are soaked in olive oil to draw out the oils as a base for your salve. Since the water content in the petals can cause the oil to become sludgy, I dehydrated my flowers in the sun the same day they were harvested and I store them in jars.

You can soak your flowers two ways.
1- Fill a glass jar with your dried flowers/petals. Add enough organic olive oil to cover and leave to steep for 6 weeks. This is the prefered method by many as it is a cold extraction.
2- Faster method is to place all of your flowers/petals in a small crockpot. I use a ratio of 1 cup plant matter to 2 cups of oil. I use the warm setting, not low or high and let it go for 4-6 hours.

steeping flowers in oil

Once entirely infused, its time to strain!

I use cheesecloth, you could use a fine mesh strainer as well


At this stage, you need to add your beeswax. The ratio for this salve is 1 cup of infused oil per 1/4 cup (2oz) of beeswax. You can buy it in health food stores or source some locally from a bee keeper. I played with some honey comb that was given to me and tried a simple extraction method in hot water that worked very well.

place comb in 2-3 layers of cheese cloth and tie bundle well
I secured it to the side of the pot and simmered gently until all of the wax had melted out of the bundle

Let the pot cool, undisturbed until the wax hardens on top of the water. Carefully remove the wax disc, and invert onto a plate to dry before weighing.
hardened wax
into the crockpot with the beeswax

At this point you could add essential oil, the recipe I followed recommended 20 drops of lavender EO. I left ours unsented as I enjoy the faint flower and honey scent it naturally carries.
All that is left is to pour it into your prefered containers! I had a couple of boxes of these jars from a barter this summer, so I used those.
I sterilized them in a water bath and made sure they dried completely before pouring the salve into them

remember to work quickly when pouring. This stuff hardens fast! I transfered the hot oil mixture to a glass measuring cup for easy pouring

Thats it! Leave to harden for several hours/overnight. The less they are jiggled during the cooldown period, the smoother the surface of the salve is. This will store for at least one year, if not longer. Use liberally!

cooling salves!

I plan on harvesting more flowers and herbs to make different Salve types next year. You can also play with jojoba and coco oils in your homemade salves to add different healing properties.

Thanks for reading! Take care of you and yours❤

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Beautiful step by step instructions, the photos are so vivid, and how cool is that beeswax!! Thanks so much for putting this info on the blockchain Karen! <3 I love you!!

The beeswax is sooooo cool. Was much easier to render than I thought! If you get a hold of some you have to try this in the summer with your wildflowers!! <3 love you!!

I've just been looking into salve making, so you couldn't have timed this better for me!

By the way, have you been invited to the homesteaders discord group yet or have I just missed you there so far?

Thats great! I would love to hear how your salve turns out:)

I have not I don't think.....I would love to join!

I'll let you know if I manage it! I'll probably make a right mess though knowing me. 😅

Here are the links for the homesteaders. It would be great to have you on board. The top one is the invite link so you can join up. I'm not sure if the other one allows you to have a look first to see what it's like.

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS

Community Link: http://homesteaders-online.com

@pensiff also does a homesteaders list which you can be added to if you let him know. It's useful for connecting with others in your area. This was his last one:


I have a small bee yard and lots of wax to work with. I can't wait to try this out! My husband and son, a carpenters, have plenty of wounds, minor cuts, and achy joints and muscles. My daughters have eczema and we all have plenty of bug bites in the warm months. I better make a big batch!

You are all set then! It will be so cost effective for you with your own beeswax and herbs!
Its so great for all of those ailments too:) >3

OMGosh! I have just started making more of my own health and beauty aids, as well as some herbal creams and lotions. This is so perfect for me to add to my to-do list!

It is so rewarding making this stuff at home! I have also made masks, looking for a good recipe for herbal cream that blends better than this one for daily use now:)

This is an excellent guide, very thorough and nice pictures! Flowers look like top quality :) Question: the picture that looks like garlic cloves floating in oil... is this the wax in the oil before it's melted? I did learn something new today... how to extract wax from honeycomb. Nice!

Thank you:) I dry and store all flowers as whole heads and remove petals before using. Yes! That is the wax right before it melted totally....I can see how they look like garlic tho! The extraction was so easy, it was my first attempt. Very pleased!

I would love to try making this next summer. I could get a lot of use out of it for my family. Plus, what a great way to use those pesky dandelions.

Hahaha! Exactly! Put those dandelions to good use:)

When I make bay leaf, arnica, or rosemary salves, I generally use the stove top or crock pot method, but when I made a plantain salve, I cold tinctured in oil for over a year! The plantain salve is for drawing out splinters, and it really works. I've used it to draw out ingrown hairs as well and it has drawn out what I presume are keratin deposits (or perhaps calcium deposits as my father gets those. But they look like keratin, aka "milk spots" to me). It's über potent, and not to be used anywhere sensitive like other people use a more mild plantain salve for. I read some article about someone using a plantain salve near their eyes and I was like AHMIGAHDS NO until I realized normal strength probably wouldn't attempt to pull their eyeballs out. 😉😂

Great post! I make a lot of salves with various dried flowers and things too :) It's so great to be able to make our own skincare prducts.