Mie Aceh "Noodles Aceh" by scoutting

in homesteading •  7 years ago 

Hello steemans everything that pet lovers in my house will share my story again today.

This story five days ago now

My job is to help both parents, so embarrassed not in my dictionary, it's about where a child who trades aceh noodles from scratch makes mie aceh. A little bit about aceh noodles !! Mie Aceh made with bogasari flour, salt water, food coloring, and ash. After all in adonankan become yellow colored shape, then after that the shape must be pressed again with the machine until thin. After everything is so instantly rolled into a noodle shape like a small rope, then after that our noodles are boiled with boiling water. are some photos










Camera : samsung galaxy J1
Location : Cunda, Lhokseumawe, ACEH

This is my job, and all the work is risky and takes patience, so we just enjoy it and make the job as comfortable as possible.

Now aceh noodles "Mie Aceh" are not only sold in Aceh alone, but Mie Aceh is now increasingly global. Even the types of fried noodles are very rich in spices, can now enjoy it in the cold temperatures in southern hemisphere Australia as in the city of Adelaide. This quote is taken from the link below.

Greetings from me @scoutting

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who want to read my article again about aceh noodles may be open link below.


thank you.

Greetings from me @scoutting

Mie Aceh is the best @soutting 👍

Thanks @samymubarraq
Walaupun malam ini malam kecocokan tema 😄

mau dong mie aceh buatanmu...

Kapan datang ke Aceh cut kak? @dilimunanzar @owner99 & @scoutting pasti menyambut kehadiranmu disini di teluk tua Lhokseumawe :D

Mie Aceh adalah mie khas Aceh di Indonesia. Mie kuning tebal dengan irisan daging sapi, daging kambing, atau makanan laut (udang, kepiting, cumi) disajikan dalam sejenis kari, sup yang gurih dan pedas. Mie Aceh tersedia dalam tiga jenis yaitu Mie Aceh Goreng (goreng dan kering), Mie Aceh Kuah (sup), dan Mie Aceh Tumis. Disajikan dengan kerupuk emping, potongan bawang merah, mentimun dan jeruk nipis

this is very large of food, name in aceh, sell to all of the indonesian province, that call MIE ACEH, that veri delicius and spicy
i hope you guys, try it

that really cool i upvote hope to see more

Barusan saya makan mie Aceh... Yummy...

Barusan saya makan mie Aceh... Yummy...

cie cie cie..mantab sekali bro @scoutting

Memang bereh... @barzah

it is very large is it difficult to cook.

Beware do not use formaline @scoutting, extraordinary exposure, from the description of how to work and even how to lift its noodle. Super @scoutting.

Mie Aceh adalah mie khas Aceh di Indonesia. Mie kuning tebal dengan irisan daging sapi, daging kambing, atau makanan laut (udang, kepiting, cumi) disajikan dalam sejenis kari, sup yang gurih dan pedas. Mie Aceh tersedia dalam tiga jenis yaitu Mie Aceh Goreng (goreng dan kering), Mie Aceh Kuah (sup), dan Mie Aceh Tumis. Disajikan dengan kerupuk emping, potongan bawang merah, mentimun dan jeruk nipis

Mie Aceh mangat lagoina

jadi kangen sama kampung halaman i love you ACEH.