The first picture is from when I first put the girls in this area a few days ago.
This is from today. I was able to get some weedeating done fairly early in the day.
The rest of the day it was 'supposed' to rain all day. Barely a drop since this morning. (facepalm) I really hate the weather here. One minute the forecast says nonstop rain. Then the rain never shows up. Then the forecast says very little rain. And we have a FUCKING DOWNPOUR!!!
I wasted the whole day waiting for it to rain. I could have gotten so much more done. Wasted money and wasted resources can be dealt with. Wasted time you CAN NOT get back!
I'm going to start watching the doppler radar myself. I'm not a meteorologist but I can sure as hell see if there are rain clouds coming my way or not. The people at the weather station are obviously just guessing anyway.
Hope you had a better day. Take care.