Today I made some waterers for the new hanging baskets. (The others already have them.) I just took a screw and poked the holes in them.
This way the water slowly trickles into the basket and gets absorbed into the soil instead of just running right through.
I also had to put electric wire on the inside of the welded wire fence (the boy sheeps old area) because the girl pigs found a weak spot in the fence and kept busting out. Then they tried to push the door over so I had to put wire across that too. But only a couple of strands so it's still easy for me to step over. Still drove me crazy trying to keep them from escaping while I tried to fix it. I literally had to have my daughter stand there and swat them away. A couple of times I had to turn the fence off so I could restring the wire and the pigs kept testing the welded wire fence trying to get out again. It actually took most of my morning to get it all fixed. But once I got the electric wire up and on, they haven't gotten out anymore.
And now that I've said that, watch them get out again.
The piggies are literally only a week or two away from having their babies. I will be giving them a regular supply of grass clippings whether it rains or not. Hopefully that will keep them happy and not trying to break out.
I also planted my zucchini and squash plants today. They look pretty pitiful right now because I don't think they had much nutrition left in the garden soil in the cups. But hopefully soon they'll reach out their roots and perk up. I'll also be putting some rabbit manure around them for the extra nutrients.
The ones in the raised beds are the zucchini....
And these are the squash.
You can kind of see the plastic rings I'm using as collars to keep away the cutworms. What you probably can't really see is that I put some tinfoil around the base of the stem to try to keep away vine borers. I almost always lose my squash type plants to vine borers so hopefully this time will be different.
Anyway, it's been a long day and I'm headed to bed. Take care all and have a good night.