As you can imagine, this would be the ones who embrace the change. They will maintain our species advancement within the machine. The ones who would seek to explore the realms of technological expansionism. Much in the way that we are today, exploring new realms away from the 'popular network' and working on providing a wealth of information and knowledge to our fellow steemians.
Giving substance to our lives, and allowing to explore our potentials is something that is massively attractive to me.
In the same way that I was explaining about Puritans, we will see that we can indeed maintain our own humanity through the extension of our minds and bodies. Uploading or manipulating our genetics. Isolating and eradicating specific genetic traits which can either be enhanced or expelled from our makeup. Maintaining our own balance in life.
If you have ever been a fan of Asimovian literature, you may have seen a variety of planetary systems which he explored in his works. From the calculable upbringings of our species young in the most beneficial and nurturing ways possible, weeding out of bull headed boarish attitudes which allows for continued development and collective cooperation to create a more utopian society, or to integrate any variety of technologies into our own lifestyle.
We can see perfect examples all around us when we look a little deeper. The thing that is keeping us from going deeper is the economy. It's my dream to dissolve our economy to take away the power from the big Corp power mongers, restoring it to the people.
I hope this isn't too much to dream of.... Maybe there's a term for that too?
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