in homofobia •  7 years ago 

Homophobia like all phobias is a disease. In this case it is a psychosocial disease
Homophobia is studied as a disease since 1971 and the term was coined by a psychologist # nosgustacolocarnombres

The height for the homophobic is that homosexuality is not considered a disease, instead homophobia if #paqueseaerio

We think of 3 causes of homophobia: repressed homosexuality, patriarchal culture and personality disorder

A homophobic, in his disorder, can go so far as to attack and even kill a homosexual. #fly

There are studies that clearly demonstrate the component of homosexuality repressed in the homophobic

In one of the most famous studios, they placed homophobes to watch gay porn. They got excited after a while

One thing is to reject homosexuality, get away from it and another thing is to attack, disrespect, assault a homosexual

There are theories such as psychoanalysis that states that human beings are by nature bisexual.

According to psychoanalysis, bisexuality is given by hormonal processes and because the genitals do not recognize gender.

Homosexuality is known from the beginning of the history of man. It is important to keep this aspect in mind

There are very strong studies that demonstrate the psychopathological nature of homophobia. Homophobia is raised on religious grounds mostly. We all know how repressive they can be

In all light, homophobia has roots in dogma, in fear and without doubt in intolerance

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