The Surprising Benefits of Honey for Pregnant Women

in honey •  3 years ago 


The idea of ingesting honey while pregnant may sound odd, but there are actually several benefits to adding this food to your diet when you’re expecting. In fact, honey consumption during pregnancy can boost your energy and even help prevent morning sickness and other discomforts that come with carrying another human being in your body. Here are five surprising benefits of honey for pregnant women.

Natural resource
A gift from nature, honey is a rich source of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are reactive molecules that can damage cells and may cause aging and cancer. Also, antioxidants reduce inflammation, a key player in many chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, antioxidants may help prevent allergies by strengthening your immune system—and pregnant women are especially susceptible to developing them (since their immune systems are already working harder). Consuming antioxidant-rich foods may even promote healthy scalp.

Rich in carbohydrates
Honey is a rich source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are necessary during pregnancy as they provide energy to your body and ensure proper growth of your baby. Moreover, honey provides an easy and healthy way to increase your carbohydrate intake during pregnancy. And did you know that honey is also rich in antioxidants? Antioxidants help fight free radicals in your body and protect cells from damage that can lead to cancerous tumors. It may even help reduce post-delivery fatigue by combating oxidative stress and inflammation.

Source of minerals
Honey contains minerals including calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. You will also find vitamins such as vitamin C, A and B3 in honey which help fight colds. Some women report that honey helps with insomnia during pregnancy so if you are struggling to get some rest, try it out! Honey also helps relieve sore throats and coughs.

Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants
Honey is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, but because it’s a solid, it’s difficult to absorb. New mothers who suffer from insomnia may find honey helpful—it can soothe their stomach and bring on drowsiness. Honey helps relieve sore throat and cough, but many honey products are too sugary for those already battling an unhealthy weight gain.

Antimicrobial properties
The antimicrobial properties found in honey can help to ward off and prevent infections that may cause complications during pregnancy. It is thought that honey may also help to alleviate indigestion or nausea, which are common symptoms experienced by pregnant women. The consumption of honey is even known to provide relief from insomnia. If you’re suffering from fatigue or a lack of sleep during your pregnancy, it could be due to an iron deficiency; try adding a spoonful of honey into a warm glass of milk before bedtime.

Analgesic effects
Though it’s only anecdotal evidence, a growing number of mothers-to-be say that consuming honey may provide relief from insomnia. A small study in 2013 found that pregnant women who ate 1.5 ounces of local honey (three times daily) reported significantly improved sleep quality. According to a 2016 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition, these effects were most pronounced among women who reported high anxiety and depression symptoms, while other participants showed no effect.

Prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases
Honey is not only a delicious sweetener that can be added to different beverages, but it’s also one of nature’s healthiest foods. When consumed in moderation, honey helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases, because it contains unique antioxidants and minerals. In fact, as an antioxidant, honey contains more phenolic compounds than fruits or vegetables! It is also packed with calcium and iron - perfect for women who are looking to increase their intake of these nutrients during pregnancy.

Improves blood circulation and immune system function
Regular consumption of honey has a positive effect on blood circulation and immunity, making it an ideal food for pregnant women. What’s more, honey is also known to improve sleep quality and help fight anxiety. This can benefit your baby as well: in fact, stress during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and even preterm labor. You might want to keep a jar of honey by your bedside – just don’t get any ideas about putting it in tea!

Helps restore pH balance
When you’re pregnant, your immune system is naturally working harder to protect your baby. Due to hormonal changes, you may also be more susceptible to seasonal allergies and infection. To help protect yourself from these health concerns during pregnancy, consider adding honey to your diet. Natural honey is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe swelling and itching—common symptoms during pregnancy—and restore a healthy pH balance in your body.

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