Bad news for honorary staff throughout Indonesia
Hope to be appointed civil servant is gone
Ministry of empowerment civil state apparatus and reform bureaucracy Kemenpan RB ensure no more direct appointment of honorary staff to Civil State Employee
This was stated by Menpan RB, Asman Abubakar, after opening the coordination of Standardization of Office policy and career development of Kemenpan RB Human Resources at Clarion Hotel Makassar, Thursday 03/05/2018
Menpan Asma confirmed, honorary staff must follow the candidate selection test CPNS in accordance with the mandate of the law.
Clearly there are PNS recipients this year and all have to go through the test. Selection results are all transparently announced and no more official and other officials' sls, he said
So if there are employees who have worked five years, two years or three years, please take the test if you want to be a civil servant.
Kabar buruk bagi para tenaga honorer di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Harapan untuk diangkat menjadi pegawai negeri sipil sirna sudah
Kementerian pendayagunaan aparatur sipil negara dan reformasi birokrasi Kemenpan RB memastikan tidak ada lagi pengangkatan langsung tenaga honorer menjadi Pegawai Negara Sipil
Hal itu disampaikan Menpan RB, Asman Abubakar, usai membuka koordinasi kebijakan Standarisasi Jabatan dan pengembangan karier SDM Kemenpan RB di Hotel Clarion Makasar, kamis 3-5-2018
Menpan Asma menegadkan, tenaga honorer harus ikuti tes seleksi calon CPNS sesuai dengan amanat undang-undang.
Yang jelas ada penerima PNS tahun ini dan semua harus melalui tes.Hasil seleksi semua di umumkan secara transparan dan tidak ada lagi slstem titipan pejabat dan lainnya, kata dia
Jadi kalau ada pegawai yang sudah bekerja lima tahun, dua tahun atau tiga tahun, silakan ikut tes jika ingin jadi PNS.