in hope •  5 years ago 


"For He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death."

Friends, I pray that as we continue into this month of quarantine that we may keep our trust in the one who reigns over all things; Yeshua HaMashiach.

With the news of the number of deaths rising due to Covid-19, it is a reminder that we live in a world that is groaning and awaiting for the redemption to come. We mourn our losses and pray that redemption comes and wait in seeking. Oh how we long for that redemption.

We can only trust in the Lord, that as we continue on day by day, he has tasted death in our place and has overcome it (Hebrews 2:9). Death could not hold him and death will one day finally be destroyed.

Let’s keep on praying for our friends and loved ones and those who may still be affected by this virus, as well as our medical teams at the forefront of this pandemic, that they may be strengthened and protected as they continue to face this head on to tend to those who have been affected by it.

We suffer as one, we mourn as one, we press on as one, until that One comes to make an end of death and suffering once and for all.

Oh Lord, you reign, and in you we place our trust. Even though we are wrapped in mortal bodies we know that in you Eternity is ours, an eternity where death will only be a story of the past and a faint memory. Help us to continue trusting in your life, death and resurrection. A resurrection that promises us the death of death.

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