Discovering these 5 Hormonal Blocks changed my life…

in hormonal •  3 years ago 


My Husband Says I’m Addicted To Shopping…

But After Losing 34lbs
None Of My Old Clothes Fit!


The 5 Hormonal Blocks that make it impossible to lose weight…

Plus, the 30 Second Fix unclogged my hormones and had me dropping pound-after-pound in under a week.
My husband John and I never used to fight…

But ever since I realized that virtually all of my weight problems were due to my hormones…

And lost 34lbs in a few short months…

He’s constantly complaining that I shop too much.

He’s not wrong…

But literally, NONE of my clothes fit me anymore…

So what am I supposed to do?

Should I walk around wearing clothes that fit like a poncho?

Or better yet…

Should I just walk around naked?

My husband might say “yes” to the naked part

But seriously…

When you fix your broken hormones (there are 5 total btw)…

And drop the pounds as fast as I have…

You pretty much need to update your entire wardrobe.

And besides, it’s not like I’m buying a bunch of designer clothes anyways…

I mean sure, a few times…

But that’s only because it’s just so fun going into those fancy boutiques…

The same ones that I used to avoid like the plague because their clothes weren’t made for people like “me”…

Trying on outfit-after-outfit…

And every single one seems to mold perfectly to my newfound, slim physique.

It’s a total confidence rush…

So, of course, I’m going to do that sometimes…

But that’s beside the point…

Because I try on way more stuff from those stores than I buy…

And most of the new clothing I’m getting is coming from Goodwill and is very cheap…

So seriously, what’s my husband’s deal!

Hi, I’m Sam by the way…
And I’ve got to be honest…

It’s hilarious to me that my husband I are even having these arguments.

Just a few short months ago…

It never would have happened…

Because at that point, I’d been overweight for over a decade…

Anywhere between 30lbs to 50lbs too heavy on average…

And I had a whole section of my closet filled with outfits from my early twenties...

That I was pretty sure I was never going to be able to wear again.

It seemed like “skinny Sam” was just some dusty relic of my past…

Not a person I could be in my early forties like I am today…

And this probably would have been true…

If it wasn’t for the help of one of the nation’s top hormone experts…

A man named Dr. Eric J. Wood.

Dr. Wood showed me that the real reason I could never lose weight…

And the real reason why fat seemed to be continuously migrating to my belly and my thighs…

Had nothing to do with my eating habits…

Or even how much time I spent in the gym…

But with 5 Hormonal Blocks…

Blocks that are affecting millions of women, and men, right now…

And leading to something called “weight loss resistance”…

Where it can feel impossible to drop even a single pound.

Discovering these 5 Hormonal Blocks
changed my life…

Especially once Dr. Wood showed me how to fix each of these blocks…

And because I’m sure you’re asking…


Of course, I’m going to share all 5 hormonal blocks with you inside this letter…

Plus, I’m going to show you how to fix them too…

Which is something that Dr. Wood normally charges people over $1,000 for…

So let’s keep this between us ;)

Then Dr. Wood proceeded to share
what are these 5 Hormonal Blocks Are…
And I’m going to share them with you right now too…

So make sure you pay close attention…

Because this is going to remove so much confusion from your life…

And it will finally make sense why you haven’t been able to lose your excess weight.

The first hormonal block Dr. Wood told
It has to do with your Thyroid.

You’ve probably heard of your thyroid before…

It’s a small, tiny gland located in the front of your neck…

And your thyroid’s role is to take iodine, which is found in a variety of foods…

And convert it into two thyroid hormones…

Which are known as T3 and T4.

These thyroid hormones are then released into the bloodstream…

Where they control your metabolism.

When your metabolism is functioning normally…

It turns calories and fat into energy…

Then sends this energy to your cells…

Where it’s used to perform all kinds of essential functions that keep you healthy.

But when your thyroid hormones are NOT functioning properly…

It means that your metabolism doesn’t function properly either…

And instead of burning calories like it should…

Your metabolism stores those calories as fat.

This is why, if you have issues with your thyroid hormones…

You can starve yourself and work out all day…

But you’re STILL going to encounter weight loss resistance and feel frustrated…

Because even though you’re doing activities that normally WOULD burn calories…

When your thyroid hormones are out of whack…

They tell your metabolism to keep storing those calories as fat.

This can leave you feeling exhausted, by the way…

Because over the day…

You’re doing all of these things that require energy…

Yet your body isn’t releasing that energy…

It’s holding onto it…

And if you frequently suffer from brain fog…

Your thyroid hormones could be to blame for that as well…

Because your brain uses up a lot of energy…

But if your metabolism is broken and there’s no energy available…

Your brain is starved of fuel.

Pretty crazy, right?

And your thyroid is just one of FIVE different hormonal blocks you may be facing…

Imagine what it would be like to fix all 5 hormonal blocks at once?

It could seriously be like the difference between being blind…

And having perfect 20/20 vision…

The difference is that dramatic.

The second hormonal block that Dr. Wood
told me about has to do with Cortisol

You have two adrenal glands that sit above your kidneys…

And they produce a hormone called cortisol…

Which is often referred to as a “stress hormone”…

Because it’s released when you experience stress.

Cortisol is very important to your survival…

But when your cortisol levels are always high…

This can happen due to everyday stressors like:

A demanding job
Arguments on social media
A rocky relationship
Sitting in bad traffic
A challenging child
Plus anything else…
Your brain thinks you’re in survival mode…

So it shuts down your metabolism…

Your digestion…

And even parts of your brain.

Why does it do this?

Because even though your stress might be due to something “harmless”…

Like your boss nonstop texting on a weekend…

Your brain can’t differentiate between “harmless” stress…

And a real threat…

So it takes energy from anywhere in the body that it views as “non-essential”…

Which includes your metabolism, your digestive system, and even parts of your brain…

And sends this energy to places like your muscles and your heart…

Which your brain considers essential to your survival.

Think of it like this:

If you need to fight, your muscles better work…
And if you need to run for your life, your heart better can pump blood…
But you know what’s NOT essential to fighting or running away?

Your metabolism raging and burning fat…
Your digestion operates smoothly so you don’t experience irregular bowel movements…
Or your brain can solve math equations or complex problems.

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