This Woman Sleeps With Her Snake Every Night… Then Doctors Tell Her The Horrifying Truth. This is a horror story.

in horror •  8 years ago 


We LOVE Our Pets

Pets are part of the family. We even let them sleep with us.

It's Quite Common

To see images like this one, especially with dogs and cats.


This Is A Pet Too! Or is it...

It's not so common with a python, though. But this woman let him sleep in her bed with her every night


The Python Stopped Eating

One day, the python stopped eating. She took him to a vet to find out what was wrong.



Apart from the tests, the vet asked about the snake's behavior and habits. There, the lady told her about the sleeping arrangements.

The Snake Was Fasting

The vet told her why her pet had stopped eating. It was preparing it's stomach for a really big meal.


And guess who was on the menu. SHE was. Fortunately she got the information just in time... So now guess what? Yes, the python has its own bed! He probably needed more space, so it was either a new bed, or dining the roommate. Errgh!!


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nice story keep up


Oh my! O.O That is horrifying!