The Haunted Night!

in horrorstory •  2 years ago 

The Crematory

It may be a story of Monsoon season. I dont know the exact date and time, but it was too rainy day. I was returning from the office. As I am working in an office, so I love to go by walking to home. I used to carry 2 water bottles every day. It was a pro benefit of living bachelor that there was too less responsibilities and that too mine only. I was going by that road since last 1 year. But today It was too dark and I was feeling that there was something changed on that evening. I was listening songs using on ear headphones. Meanwhile I reached in front of a park. I was quite surprised that hundred of times I have gone through the road but I never seen that park. Suddenly, A lady come to me and requested to have a dinner over there as they were arranged a party for the night. I was excited a little bit. I was tired and was not in the mood to cook food for myself. I thought this would be the offer from God itself. definitely this was the secondary reason, but that lady was too beautiful. She was looking really nice in that white top. I went along with her. I was able to see that they've arranged all kind of food. I was looking for that lady. But she was literally disappeared from there. After searching her for so much time, I sat to have dinner. At that time, suddenly she came and started serving food. I was really shocked. I asked her name, and was trying to talk to her. However she was not responding properly. She said that we should not talk while having food. I was quite agreed with her. I finished dinner. While I was washing hands, again she disappeared. I was shocked again. I was feeling hungry again. So I was looking for a sweet dish. Suddenly she came and she gave me the Ice cream. While having that, she was in front of mine. Her face expressions were being changed. May be she was waiting for me to remove my eyes from her so that she will get vanish again, but I already decided, That I wont let her go this time before knowing about her. That place was quite interesting. Everyone who was there except me, was having an emotionless face. They were doing all activities like robots does. While looking at the people, she again got vanished. I was about to bit myself. Then I decided to eat something more, I gone to the buffet and Ohh, My God!! Again she was there to serve me the food. At this time, I decided to go with her. I took my smartphone and set the camera towards her while looking into her eyes. Her eyes were too black and it was too deep. then I turn my neck abruptly somewhere else. As expected she was vanished. I smiled and stopped the video. I went and sat on chair & played that video. slowly slowly my head was being heavier and heavier. I fall down.
When I woke up, some people were around me and they were asking me that what I was doing there, what happened to me, more and more
But I was in fever. I fell down again. next time I woke in hospital itself. Dr. Kale was there. He was asking me how I am now & whether I was feeling better or not. Then he offered me a cup of coffee and asked me that legendry question ." What happened with you?". The entire last evening gone through my memory like a film goes. I was afraid. Dr. said that I was safe there. He asked me again while taking my hand in his hand.

When I woke up, some people were around me and they were asking me that what I was doing there, what happened to me, more and more

but I was in fever. I fell down again. next time I woke in hospital itself. Dr. Kale was there. He was asking me how I am now & whether I was feeling better or not. Then he offered me a cup of coffee and asked me that legendry question ." What happened with you?". The entire last evening gone through my memory like a film goes. I was afraid. Dr. said that I was safe there. He asked me again while taking my hand in his hand.

I informed him the entire story. When I watched that video in my phone, that area which I was able to see from my bare eyes was too much bright, everywhere was lighting and it was looking like a festive. however, when I look it in my camera, there was nothing like that. That area was completely in dark. specially that girl was not captured in the camera and there was nothing called as buffet or flowers or lights. It was a empty night as usual. I fall down when I heard a scream . She was saying "I will get back to you" . This one sentence was still in my ear.

I was about to die when Dr. said that "You spent your last night in The Crematory"

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