Welcome to my House STEEMIT... and have a cup of coffee with me. FIRST STEEMIT HOUSE TOUR POST. (Some Extras Included: Super Sweet Chocolate Muffin Recipe for my Guests)

in housedecor •  9 years ago  (edited)

  “Home is where the heart is" - Mine is here!  

If you are new to my blog, hello and welcome. I’m Daria. I live in Poland with my husband who is a professional cyclist and my vibrant little daughter Sopie (Zosia). Every day I run a small and cozy hotel in one of the Polish cities. Aside from being a mom, wife & hotelier,  I’m  passionate about home design and décor. I’m also passionate about cooking so today I’m going to share both :) 


We built our house in 2015 and ever since… We ‘ve been transforming it little by little into a more custom and charming one. I’m trying to remember that interior design is a marathon, not a sprint (and to tell you the truth - it’s been a long journey so far… )  Lucky for us, my husband is a real handyman and did almost all finishing works by himself. What’s more, he was willing to put up my 15 millions ideas about how it should look like (he even changed the colours of the walls THREE TIMES). We wouldn’t be able to move into the house if it wasn’t for his help and … my bargain shopping skills OF COURSE! I Don’t know how much it cost to finish the house in other countries but we had to fit 25 000$ - and WE DID :)  Hoorey!

 My House is the place where I want to share my Little “Loves” with You. I experience Little Loves in my house every day: my Love to my husband and Daughter, my Love to decorate my House, my Love to DIY works (I’m going to share some of them in my next posts) and My Love to Beautiful Things (like the ones in my previous posts). 

Now I’m going to let the pictures speak for themselves as   

“one picture says more than thousand words”. 

So please take off your coat,  help yourself  with a muffin and let me take you for my house tour.   



Living Room

My favourite and so true quotation in my house:

"I prayed for a good husband and I got one. He didn't pray so he has what he has".


Let's go upstairs.


Sophie's Room

I’m by no means a professional decorator but I do hope you enjoyed our house, got inspired a bit or felt like home. 


FIRST P.S. Do not think I’m a Superwoman and my house is clean all the time… 

While I was writing this post my little vibrant and very creative daughter has managed to do this…MY HOME TOUR SPOOF! 

Feel better now? 

 SECOND P.S. If you enjoyed my muffins, here is the RECIPE that I promised to give you at the beginning of my post. I assume that you're very busy writing your posts and discovering Steemit, so this recipe is very quick and easy to do :) 


1 Chocolate bar 

2 eggs  150g of butter 

 300 ml of milk  

300g of flour 

2 tea spoons of bakery powder 

200g of sugar

Pinch of salt   

 1. Melt the butter and put it way to get cooler 2 Crush the chocolate bars into very small pieces and put into a separate bowl 3. Beat the egg 4. Mix  5. Add cooled butter 6. Mix 7. Combine all of the dry ingredients (including chocolate) in the bowl and slowly add wet ingredients, mixing all the time. 8. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 9. Pour the batter into the molds 10.Bake about 30 minutes.    

You will get 12 muffins out of the recipe – ENJOY!

THIRD P.S. Thank You Steemit for creating the opportunity to share my passions!!!!!!!! And Thank you Dear Steemers for voting and leaving a comment on my previous post: 


 I’m dying of curiosity to get to know if you liked my house or not. So please, don’t hesitate and feel free to leave some comments. I’m looking forward to your reviews. 


#home #housedecor #passion #freetime #lovesteemit

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Welcome! Great post, no doubt about it. Beautiful home, tasty recipe, and amazing shirt. I'm not sure it could get any better.

Thank You very much for Your kind words. Actually, I've made the T-shirt myself so I'm double happy you like it :)

it looks good, welcome to steemit, we all welcome you here as well

I love this muffin but I like coffee @sisters

I like the look of your muffin =o

oooo......good idea,,can i..order for T -shirt

Welcome to steemit
Btw those muffins look delicious .mmmmmm

Thank You - I didn't even have a chance to taste them - my family ate them all. So I assume they were good :)

Oh , that sound so good .
Btw your house look cool with marble and wood combonations ;)

I've always wanted a lion foot tub.

Funny story about that - I wish I had a regular one - Beacuse The one I ordered is too short :/

I wish I had an oven. For some reason I'm craving muffins right now...

Beautiful maisonette! Gorgeous pictures! Overall amazing post!

Nice Home, Nice Recipe, Nice post!

Welcome to Steemit.

Thank You :)

I love the white furnishings and who can say no to that claw footed tub! My home is very shabby chic/brocante style. I love my white haha feel free to take a look at my blog, I post on there about my home :) Following and upvoted!

Wow! this is a seriously good post, thanks for the sharing and welcome to Steemit.com!!! Thrive on and namaste :)

That is quite the beautiful home and you're an amazing decorator!

What is the price tag of this gem of a property you got there?

can I buy your home with steemdollars?

@sisters okay let me just say this post is great and very well, welcome to steemit, cheers

upvote done

back to sleep !!!

I love your home! The brick accents are great. I would love to hear more about your everyday life running a hotel. I'll be following you, looking forward to your posts.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemwhit, thank you very much :) I will definitely write about my work and what I do here. Running a hotel and meeting interesting people is my dream job. Actually, I've already written about my one special day at work. Take a look at it and tell me what you think :)


All the Best to you!

great post ! nice and cool

Welcome to Steemit @sisters

"I’m dying of curiosity to get to know if you liked my house or not."

It's awesome. Were you really worried someone would dislike it?

wow, your house is fantastic!!! SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!! really

XD waw nice HOME...its like my dream house XD

I loved that quotation. He didn't pray so he has what he has :) Very good post. It's a beautifully created masterpiece. Simply beautiful :) Thank you for posting it :)

Wow! it was great. I love the Steemit T-shirt. I tour your beautiful house. Amazing! Love it :) keep it up

Hi, Welcome :)
you are really beautiful by wearing a shirt steemit ;)

So many polish people on steemit :) Cheers sister greeting's from Warsaw!!

świetna kuchnia ! Sami szukamy inspiracji do 20m2 kuchni, pomysł z ławeczką super, kuchnia w stylu mojej kobiety, na pewno by się jej spodobała :)

Piękna matka Polka

Thank You :)

Hi Daria,

I am moving to your part of the world this summer, and at the moment I am thinking of Prague. Do you have any recommendations for me? Do you prefer Poland to the Czech Republic? Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated =)

Nice house by the way!

Hello, Well as I'm from Poland and and big patriot I have to say - VISIT POLAND! Such places like Cracow, Torun or Gdańsk are definitely worthseeing. Poland is a beautiful country! This video shows it best

Let me know where you decided to go and how it was.
Cheers from Poland!

Ok, I shall definitely visit Poland while I am in the area. You have some very beautiful architecture and scenery there judging by that video. Thanks for sharing =)

Thank goodness you showed the messy shot! My 4 year old and 2 year old keep our house in a perpetual state of toy warfare. Lovely to see into your home. Can I have a muffin?

good room

Like out of a magazine. What an amazing home you've created. Welcome to Steemit and, please, remember us minnows and give us the occasional cheaky upvote after you've rocketed to Steemit stardom :-)

Great! Now I've got muffin cravings! Awesome house. Awesome shirt. Awesome post!

really nice house @sisters !

so nice post

The ladies have taken Steemit by the balls and milked every last drop of steem left. We're all goin down lads, abandon ship!!!!!!! Great post by the way, upvoted :)

Wow! You're home is ridiculously gorgeous.

I love your house. It's very Tumblrish :)

wellcome to STEEMIT,
nice plaece


Very nice picture and a great house

nice house ... I would have fallen for a snack

You have an amazing home, and it looks like you are quite the little baker;)

I love seeing people take this platform and do something totally unexpected and unique with it.
--Just like your house!

Looks really nice

Love the golden touch u put to the logo. :-)

That cakes made me hungry ,,, yummm

looks really nice!

wow what a beautiful home you keep. Is your husband going to be in the Olympics as a professional cyclist or is he not one who does that since that is more for amateurs usually?
Your muffins look delicious. Your daughter is adorable and seeing how your face is watching her is sweet.
All the toys in your kitchen. hehe. I tell my sons that toys are not allowed in our kitchen (tired of legos under the oven and such).
Your praying for a good husband sign and the response that he didn't pray is hilarious!!!
I don't have my own house so when people are able to have them I am in awe of how they can. We're still paying off my husband's school loan as it is and my car loan!!

Welcome to steemit. I love that steemit logo in gold, it sets a perfect mood for coffee and muffins:)..well done.

Beautiful house! :)

Nice post!

Welcome to steemit.. wow great post.. i like it

👍😆great.... I like ur home 🏠, I just wanted to stay there

Nice room

Absolutely love the seating area beside the counter. I'm always on the lookout for neat ideas for when I build my home :)

Also, everything looks great, from the food to the t-shirt. Well done!!

Hope to have a home like this one day! So many great ideas. I love the seat in the kitchen, agh I would use that all the time.

Cheers and congrats on being the first home tour on steemit!

How your home looks straight out of a magazine. I wish I could manage to be so picture perfect. Even with your daughters mess just looks like an advertisement for children's toys. I will be looking to buy a home in October. I hope I can find something I can afford with out having to do to many upgrades.

Clever idea with the recipe! Amazing job on the decor.

I must say the effect on the photos was too much for my tastes but great job overall.

nice home

That a very ugly house! No just kidding, seems like paradise for your family actually. Gonna try the muffin recipe, but with cannabutter :))

Your house is lovely and your daughter is very cute! Thanks for inviting us into your world!!

Welcome to SteemIT! Beautiful you, daughter, house and decorating! Great post!

no ładnie to wygląda. Zawsze mnie zastanawiało jak osiągnąc taki końcowy odpicowany rezultat. Korzystliście z dekoratora wnętrz ?

Witaj Piotr, nie korzystaliśmy z dekoratora... Dekorowanie wnętrz to moja wielka pasja, którą rozwijałam przez kilka lat przy okazji licznych remontów np. hotelu i restauracji w którym pracuję czy też budowy domu moich rodziców. Wiele się wtedy nauczyłam, zbierałam inspiracje i przejrzałam setki czasopism dekoratorskich. W miarę jak moje zdolności i wiedza się pogłębiała, zaczęły się pojawiać prośby o pomoc przy tego typu projektach od moich najbliższych i znajomych. W związku z tym, że uwielbiam to robić i być świadkiem przemian - zgodziłam się. I tak udało mi się pomóc w urządzeniu kilku domów (w ramach przyjacielskiej przysługi oczywiście :)) Jeżeli chodzi o radę jak uzyskać taki efekt to mogę polecić jedno - wybrać jeden styl i wytrwale się go trzymać. Mój to zdecydowanie prowansalski lub shabby chic gdyż nie przepadam za zimnymi i nowoczesnymi wnętrzami. Gdybyś miał jakiekolwiek pytania, śmiało pisz... chętnie pomogę :) Pozdrowienia

Thanks for the recipe. I tried it and they were delicious! My wife was very happy I found it.

Дарья, у тебя безумно красивый 🏠!!! Уютно!!!