Photoshop - How to add a dreamy effect to your pictures

in howto •  7 years ago 

This is a quick how-to, written to show you how to add a dreamy effect to your pictures, using Photoshop.

Years ago, I read about these couple of steps online somewhere. They taught me how to create a dreamy effect on my pictures. To this day, I still use this effect from time to time, to add a little finishing touch to my pictures.

The example

First off, I'll show you a little example of what I'm talking about. This was a picture that needed some spicing up, so I added the dreamy effect.

Dreamy picture landscape
(my Deviantart image)

You'll see some blurring going on and there's also a bit of extra contrast here.

How to create this effect

Let's talk about how you can create this effect yourself! Now I like to use it combined with some sharpening, but it will take away some of the dreamy effect. Just play around with this yourself to see what you prefer.

  1. Open up your picture in Photoshop and edit it like you normally do. (Optionally: Leave the sharpening for later.)
  2. Now you'll need your end product on one, duplicate layer. For this, you'll want your other layers merged, so if you're using seperate layers, you might want to save a copy of your file for safe keeping.
  3. Merge your existing layers into one by using ctrl + shift + e.
  4. Duplicate your layer by using ctrl + j.
  5. Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
  6. You'll want your top layer very blurry, like a radius of 40 pixels or so.
  7. Once you've blurred your top layer, go to the Layers section and tone down the Opacity to 25% or so. This should already give a soft and dreamy feel to your image.
  8. Next, we'll pick a blending option. You can play around with them a bit, but most of the time, Overlay will give a nice and dreamy feel, as well as bring out some extra contrast.
  9. Depending on how dreamy you want, you can play with this layer's Opacity a bit more. Just keep in mind that the higher the opacity is, the less detailed your image will be.
  10. Optionally: Once you're satisfied, merge the two layers (ctrl + e) and sharpen your image like you usually do (I like to use Unsharp Mask for this).


You can use the effect on any picture, but I feel it's most effective on landscape pictures.

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Nice view. All your pictures are great. 😍 What camera do you use?

Aww thank you very much! I used to shoot a lot with my Canon PowerShot SX200 IS, which gave great pictures. Now I use a Canon EOS500 with an all-round Sigma lens :-)

Thanks for the information. :) Now that I joined Steemit I think need to buy a camera for higher quality pics.

No problem! It depends on what you want to focus on here. Photography is a big hobby of mine, so I have quite an expensive camera. For my regular blog posts, however, I usually use my phone pictures. It doesn't have great quality, but it's way easier to carry around with me and gets the point of my writing across aswell :-)

I like taking pictures but I wasn't thinking about taking it to the next level till Steamit. Of course, phones camera is easier to use. :)

I will have to try this.

Edit: I bookmarked this.

i like the way you explain how to add blurryness to photos, it certainly make it looks much more appealing but I don't have photoshop and I only use my iPhone 6s+ to take photos. I do have a Canon EOS camera but find all the transferring very troublesome so just use my phone for now. I use Photofix App to do my editing and I really like it. Thank you for sharing your tips, I love all how to posts.

Thank you very much :-)

I understand what you mean by it being troublesome! Actually, I keep on having to find the EOS tool to download again after a fresh install, but the tool itself is really handy to get things done quickly. It's the editing after that I keep putting off ;-)

My phone isn't the greatest for taking pictures. It works fine for my regular blog posts, but if I want to make good pictures, I always go back to my Canon cameras. I never really tried an editing app on the phone. It's never felt very appealing to me, because I find working on the phone quite annoying to be honest! It's not the best phone out there...


Thanks, please tell me what you liked about my post?

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