In the result of HSC and equivalent exam results, the students did quite well compared to the pass rate. Girls have been doing well for a few years in the pass rate

in hsc •  7 years ago 

In the result of HSC and equivalent exam results, the students did quite well compared to the pass rate. Girls have been doing well for years for the pass rate. But now they have increased the gap further. Now, the pass rate of the students is 5.84 percent higher than the students. However, students are ahead in terms of getting GPA-5 for the highest index of results.!()

Today, results of HSC and equivalent exams were published on Thursday. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid highlighted the detailed information of the results at a press conference at noon. Then the results were published in the educational institutions. Prior to this, a copy of the results was given to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the morning.

In the HSC and equivalent examinations, the total number of participants in the exam was 1.28 lakh 757. 8,58,801 people passed out in this. Among the passed students, the passing rate of the students is 69.772 percent. The pass percentage of students is 63.88 percent. Now, the average pass rate for the 10 board is 66.64 percent.

Under the 10 boards, the total GPA-5 received 29 thousand 262 people. Of these, 15,51 students and 13 thousand 681 students are students. That is, here students are ahead.

Under the eight general education boards, only girls passed the HSC exam pass rate. The average pass rate of HSC is 64.55 percent. Among them, the passing rate of the students is 68.18 percent and the pass rate of students is 60.99 percent.

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