The name is not foreign we hear, munir said thalib (deceased), born poor East Java.8 December 1965, he had studied law faculty brawijaya.pada 1996, Munir founded an NGO (community agency) with the name KONTRAS (Commission for missing people And victims of violence)
Some of the cases Munir had handled were:
Legal counsel of sri bintang pamungkas (head of pudi general) in case of subversion and lawsuit admistrative court (PTUN)
Legal counsel in the case of missing activists and students in Jakarta; 1997-1998> kidnapped military person
Member of the commission of human rights inquiry investigation in timoer leste; 1999
The motivator of the peace and reconciliation commission in Maluku
Legal counsel and human rights advocate coordinator in cases in aceh and papua (with KontraS)
**A few interesting quotes
The bold case is my alleged perpetrators [those who feel harmed by Munir] behind the murder of Munir. They feel that the 'voice' of Munir who defends the victims of violence and cruelty is too dangerous for the execution of their power"