Huawei is going to launch its first y series phone in India on January 10. Which means the phone is getting quite a bit like the midrange phone (Redmi note 6 pro, zenphone max pro m2).
Display .....?
If you talk about the display, it has a 6.5-inch fullview ips with a display notch, which retio 19.5: 9 makes it very beautiful. 2340 * 1080 is its picture resolution which further shines the quality of its video.
Now it is the turn of design, because many people are passionate about design. So this phone will be very good for them too. 3d long design is provided, the back section is made of glass which is their product equivalent to Gorilla Glass.
3 color range will be available midnight black, sapphire blue and aurora purple option

Camera max ....?
16 + 2 duel front camera and 13 + 2 duel with rear camera AI. This clearly shows that these phones have been made by keeping the camera loving and those who take self-help in mind. Since AI is amazing in it, you can chalk out the photo of your thopar.
Processor .....?
Kirin 710 has a 2.2 GHz octa core processor that will work on android 8.1 oreo. The kirin 710 is a processor equivalent to Snapdragon 660. kirin 710 huawie has its own processor. kirin 710 works on 12nm technology, so the performence will be quite smooth. The phone will be available in 2 ram verient of 3GB and 4GB.
Battery .....?
The 4000mah battery will be with turbo charging which will give a great power backup to this phone.
Price ............?
Speaking of the price, it is likely to come in between 14000 to 18000.