Are You on HubPages?

in hubpages •  7 years ago 

A writer friend recently introduced me to HubPages and although I'm intrigued I haven't yet read through all of the terms and conditions or signed up. With a blog, Steemit, Patreon and a life to balance I thought I'd ask for your opinion on if it's worth it or not.

On one hand I am trying to make a leap from part time employee to full time boss with enough pay to comfortably follow my dreams; the other hand is overflowing with responsibilities and time suckers.

How about you?

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I've been on HubPages for over 4 years now. It's a very credible site, but earning there is a slow process, although it happens passively. It never defaults on payment. If there's one writing site I expect to survive into the next decade, it is HubPages!

Here's my HubPages profile: