BREXIT RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY 🎶 The Irony of it all [New original rap!]

in hugothepoet •  8 years ago  (edited)

Brand new content from yours truly!
This piece is dedicated to my wife who's idea this was - or maybe it was just a clever way to get me to shave my beard!

Published on Sep 9, 2016 - Youtube video description below:

BREXIT... the irony of it all
The United Kingdom recently voted to Exit the EU, in a decision that has shocked much of the world. What drove so many people in Britain to vote for this result? and what about the many who didn't - how do they feel now? such a nuanced, contentious issue, and moment of historical import, needs to be treated with reverence and respect... so it's time to put some wigs and mascara on, pull out the most stereotypical and possibly offensive accents I can almost pull off, and rap...

With respect to The Streets, whose track 'The Irony of It All' was a heavy influence on this.

Confused about Brexit? will be.

Tracks featured:

  • Royce Da 5'9" - I'm the King
  • Immortal Tech - Positive Balance
  • Dusty Streets

This video was made possible thanks to the generous pledges of my Patrons on Patreon
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(See comments below!)

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You lucky to have a lady like that in your life. Anyway this was so not what I was expecting. Most epic rap battles of history are 1v1 this had so many different people coming at you from everywhere and you did their accents and clothes and everything. Was fun to watch. It's great when people get creative about politics and tell it as it is. All the different people you did all thinking different things. Brilliant !!

You should check out his old clips on youtube - he has been doing this for years and often plays multiple roles.

He makes Australian politics interesting that's for sure and even managed to get Scott Ludlam a greens politician to appear in one of his videos - love this guy and pretty much all he does is gold!

That was awesome =)


@blocktrades thanks so much for voting I'm sure Hugo will appreciate it!

He should really come join us, I think he will do well here.

Sent a followup email, specifically mentioning your comments (as an influential member here) and got this promising response :)

As I mentioned about a month ago, I've been talking with @hugothepoet about getting him a presence on steemit. He's keen but lives in rural australia now and only has intermittent internet access.

I'm currently homesteading the @hugothepoet account with his approval and knowledge , and I'm hoping to get some exclusive content for steemit to prove this.

For the time being, here's a public tweet from a little while ago where hugo approved this posting :

hugothepoet Hugo Farrant tweeted @ 10 Sep 2016 - 06:51 UTC

@ausbitbank @hugothepoet yes of course!
And tell those guys I'm looking forward to learning more about the medium. Respect!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hugo. Your work is excellent. Please join the community.

Cool! :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

White appropriation of hip hop music. You couldn't find a black British man in the UK who can spit?
Besides that sore point, the beats were great, but then again Royce Immortal and Green Lanthern was expected. :D
Is upvoted, but wouldn't mind to have some other than pink panthers on stage.

Just checking you realise this was all one guy? @hugothepoet

He is brilliant and has used other ethnicities in his videos before, he just did this one alone and I think that makes it even more awesome - it's not about race it's about the brexit.

I see... didn't really pay much attention to his face.