I do what I do out of kindness and people are ruining it

in humankindness •  6 years ago 

My dad raised me to be kind

To do what I can for others and good things will come back to you, he show me that in my life daily as I grew up. I try to do that in my daily life offline and online. I try to give back to my communities that I am heavily involved in. That is why I have done so many contests. I know here this year I haven't done any yet. But life has hit us with a few blows this year and I have been focusing on that and other projects and haven't had as much time for steemit. But here lately I have had issues with people either being impatient as I am in the United States and they are in some far off place in Africa, or in India or some other far off place which can take the mail 8 to 12 weeks to arrive. Accusing me of being a scammer and or a liar. Or them not providing a mailing address or straight up asking for Steem instead of the prize they won and since Steem is down I don't have liquid to be handing out but I wasn't offering Steem anyways I was offer Steemit Swag, shoot these prizes I give are not even being covered anymore by upvotes, nor is the shipping, so I pay for these out of pocket and I been nice enough when people have said their countries mail system is screwed up to offer a small amount of crypto just not steem as I don't have much liquid in that.

I do a lot to promote steemit

Even when I am not actively posting daily I talk about steemit to everyone. Ask @charisma777 she will tell you. One of the things I do is the swag, but if users are going to act like this I will stop giving away things. There are ways to come about it, and if I haven't responded maybe there is something bigger going on in my life, like a death in the family or my child being attacked on her college campus that is more freaking important than the mail being slow or you not providing the information when you are suppose to. I do want to give praise though to one winner who won, and missed their deadline to claim, they were awesome about it, and I think because they were awesome that they are going to get a surprise from me for understanding why I have rules and deadlines for claiming.

Yes this is a rant

As I can not control how long it will take for your postal service to deliver it. I sent something to South Africa on December 4th it arrive finally on February 7th. Do the math that is over 2 months. So you got to be patient. I am not shipping this stuff express guys that would be too damn expensive and wouldn't matter, as not all postal delivery services are as good as the United States Postal Services. I am pretty easy to work with but when you make a comment or send me a message accusing me of not following through, when I have or you are the one who didn't, will get me making a post about it. But I decided to be nice enough not to call you out.

This experience

With everything else that is going on with my life, might end me ever doing another giveaway on Steemit. I am angry, I won't lie, I have spent over $1000 in shipping since 2017 alone. That doesn't include having the products made and shipped to me before shipping them to winners. For people to act ungrateful for something they are getting free, floors me, because if you approach me right, I will resend out prizes no problem, ask @blewitt he won a prize that was stolen out of the envelope and I resend it out as soon as I got a replacement of that item even though he told me it was okay and not to, I did it anyways. Because it wasn't his fault or mine and it was what was right. Patience and kindness can go a long way.

social media done right updated.jpg

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Just got around to seeing this now. Shame what a holes people are. You my dear...are one of the true gems here. Seriously. ♥️

It floored me to be accused of being a scammer, because wait, I didn't get anything from any one, I am the one giving things away and sadly sometimes the mail can take a while or things can be stolen from the mail, when either of those things happen it isn't my fault. When I ship things overseas it can be expensive. One on of my other blogs I just sent out a puzzle to Germany and it cost me $24 to ship it it was the cheapest way to ship it, I always ship out the prizes and I do get tracking but if it is going overseas I lose the tracking as soon as it leaves the United States. I am feeling better about it, as for now on I am gonna put a disclaimer on all my giveaways, that I am not responsible if your postal service loses it and if you don't provide what is asked in the given time, then sorry not sorry, that doesn't make me a scammer, not responsible to hunt down prize winners or their mailing information. And if you ask me for crypto instead of your prize you are banned from my giveaways, if you complain you haven't got it yet because of slow mail service or because it got lost in a rude way, banned... Sad that people are act like children when it does take 8 to 12 weeks to arrive to certain areas of the world. @azizbd can tell you he waited like 8 or 9 weeks for the Science equipment to arrive that I crowd funded on here for the shipping costs. It isn't like here where we ship something and with a week it arrives.

Probably the same people that fill up my spam box with offers i just can't refuse , from a shed in a dessert or jungle . It will be a hard nut to shift those abusers out . It's a shame , i liked your work , i did not participate because i know physical mail will not reach me . To me it never was about the free prizes , it's the interaction you created that felt warm and good . Hippy with a Gun his reaction for example was epic .

I wish you the best , stay strong , stay yourself :-)

Man I hate rude entitled people, I'm so sorry that you were treated that way. All anyone would have to do is to do a wee bit of searching to find those of us who received a prize from you, posting about it to say thank you, to know that you are legit. 😤

It took a little over 6 weeks for @silverstackeruk's package to arrive from Northern Ireland. I was actually worried customs stole my silver he was sending me it took so long. I just had to be patient but it finally arrived.

Thanks for having all your contests that you do. I really love the gun one hitter too you surprised me with. Sorry some people are taking you for granted.

Rant over !tip

postal mail is not reliable. do your best and remember the impatient people who may not be eligible for future things because of attitude reasons

So far everything I have sent eventually arrives so far the record is 12 weeks to a little village in India after 12 weeks I don't mind sending out a replacement but attitude does go a long way

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