The 7-year cycles of human life

in humanlife •  2 years ago 

"From 0 to 7 years:
There is a strong bond with the mother. Knowledge of the world takes place horizontally. The senses are created. The mother's smell, milk, voice, warmth and kisses are the first sensations. This period usually ends with the coming out of the mother's protective shell and getting to know the outside world.

From 7 to 14 years:
A strong bond with father is created. Knowledge of the world takes place vertically. The personality is formed. The father becomes the most faithful ally for knowing the world outside the family cell. The child loves the mother, but adores the father.

From 14 to 21 years:
The revolt against society begins. Knowledge of matter takes place. The intellect is formed. The teenage crisis begins. There is a desire to change the world and destroy the existing structures. The teenager attacks the family cell and society in general. He is passionate about everything that expresses rebellion: loud music, romantic relationships, the tendency towards independence, escape, connections with marginal social groups, anarchist values, the systematic denial of old values. The period ends by leaving the family cell.

From 21 to 28 years:
Integration into society takes place. Stabilization after the uprising. Suffering failure in his desire to change the world, man integrates himself, initially wanting to be better than his predecessors. The man is looking for a better job than his parents. Look for a better place to live. There is an attempt to create a happier family than that of the parents. Choosing a partner and creating a family home. Creating your own cell. The period usually ends with marriage. From this moment, man fulfilled his mission and finished the connection with the first protective cell - the family.

From 28 to 35 years:
Creating the family home. After marriage, housing, car, children appear. Accumulates values inside the cell. But if the first 4 cycles have not passed successfully, the home is destroyed. If the relations with the mother were not right, she will be a burden for the son-in-law/daughter-in-law. If the relationship with the father failed, he will get involved in the internal affairs of the young family, causing conflicts. If the revolt against society has not been experienced, there is a risk of conflict at work. 35 years – the age at which an ill-ripened cocoon often bursts. That's when divorces, layoffs, depression, etc. happen.

From 35 to 42 years:
Everything starts from scratch. After the crisis, the man, enriched by experiences and mistakes, rebuilds his second cell. It is the period when new girlfriends/boyfriends appear in the lives of divorced people. They try to perceive what they already expect - not from marriage, but from the opposite sex. The relationship with society also needs to be reevaluated. The workplace is already chosen according to the criteria of how interesting it is and how much free time it offers. After the destruction of the first cell, man always feels the need to create his second cell as soon as possible. New marriage, new job, new relationship. If man has got rid of the parasitic elements of the past, he will build a better cell. If he did not understand his mistakes, then he will create a similar cell and end up with the same failures.

From 42 to 49 years:
The conquest of society begins. As soon as the second improved cell was created, man begins to feel the fullness of life in marriage, in the relationship with children, at work, etc. This victory generates two new types of behavior. If man emphasizes material well-being, then more money, more comfort, more power appear. If, however, the emphasis is placed on the soul side, then the authentic formation of the personality begins. This period ends with a crisis of self-identification and existential questions: why am I here, why do I exist, what must I do for life to be full of meaning, apart from material goods?

From 49 to 56 years:
The spiritual revolution. If man has succeeded in creating or rebuilding his cell and has achieved success in the family, on a professional level, he naturally has the desire to seek wisdom. If done with dedication and sincerity, this search will have no limits and will continue until the end of life."

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