Aching Body and Soul

in humor •  4 years ago 


First of all, happy first of August to y'all masked men and women! Next month is already September. Supposedly, good things happen in September but I doubt this 2020. I am just being realistic here. I think this year should be a Tarantino movie.

Yesterday I missed a post because I was bedridden. I was supposed to be blogging every day, I mean what else should I do right? At least I make a bit of money off my sporadic thoughts. I was just a bit sick but nothing serious. I just have this sort of muscle strain and slight fever. And this happened just when I thought I am an alpha immune to sickness. I'm only human too.

When my friends, both real and imaginary, asked me what happened, I told them I was digging some dirt and sort of pushed the shovel to the earth with all of my leg strength. I guess that overstretched and shocked my muscle. There is this sharp pain whenever I lift my leg or move around the house.

The nonstop rain and gloomy weather made everything worse. And the black kitten energy seems to annoy me a bit. I just hope Diablo grows up pretty fast and not be this diabolic little monster constantly needing attention. I also need to keep him busy.

I took some pain reliever so now I am feeling a bit better, physically. The weather hasn't changed though. And my mood, oh, you just gonna have to take a ride on it.

Anyway, back to digging, please don't be like my friends who automatically assumed that I was burying a corpse, like oh my Gawd, what is wrong with you guys? You know I am not that diabolic. I did bury some enemies but that was in the past. And I am not like that anymore - I am just kidding. I was just transplanting.

I gave some of my plants to my landlady because some of it needs some proper soil to blossom. I just cannot confine them in a pot anymore. They need to be free.

Just like my soul that needs to be free too. You know what they say, the devil finds work for idle hands. So, I was thinking about a lot of things as I was resting. What if someday, I have to drag myself to the hospital. In times like this, it would be nice to have a company too, but I know "having someone" in my life is a double-edged sword. What if he is a psycho killer (too much watching of serial killer series on Netflix)? I can just imagine how emotionally taxing relationships can be. It would probably be best to keep my peace until I am very sure, very very sure of someone I am going to let in my life. Someone who is not an obsessed serial killer (Okay I got to stop watching these series). So yeah, my soul aches too but I know this is just temporary.

Sunshine days will come and I'd be running around wild and free again. In a good way.

Today I am writing this early so I can just curl up in my bed and enjoy rainy days. Sometimes, I need those curl-up-in-bed days too. And I deserve it. All I can do is all I can do.

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