Monthly meme dump

in humor •  11 months ago 

It's likely been longer than a month as I have been busy with other things in my life. I do still look at memes almost every day though because ever since all but eliminating social media from my life I now spend any downtime that I have looking at 9gag rather than FB or IG. I would say "or Twitter" as well but I never got on board with that and have never even had it installed on any phone that I have had. I don't understand its popularity really as it seems to be a way for celebrities and politicians to lecture the public on stupid shit.

My life improved dramatically when I stopped being up to my neck in social media. All of a sudden I wasn't arguing with strangers on the internet about politics or anything else and I was using my time a lot more wisely. The only downside is that I no longer know what my distant relatives are up to but if they really were close to me, I wouldn't need social media in order to know that they had yet another kid. Plus when I do pop into FB for some reason (normally because a business only exists there in an online capacity) I will see the usual crap that has always plagued socials in that people think their dinner or the traffic they are stuck in is somehow worthy of telling the world about.

Anyway, I get a bit worked up whenever I think about it so we will just move on. These are the things that I found funny or insightful on 9gag in the past month or however long it has been since I last did this.


Dad jokes or Leslie Nielson style of humor has seen a resurgence of sorts lately and I applaud it. These are quite common now and this sort of stupid style of humor really appeals to me. I try to answer questions that my friends ask me in this manner as often as possible. This is how I can determine who the clever friends of mine are and who the idiots are.


There are a number of people that I know around the world that seem to be perpetually depressed and I think that this meme sheds a lot of light on why some people, when they get down, don't really seem to be able to get out of it. I know a few people here locally that only appear happy when they are drunk. The rest of the time they spend at work, hungover at home, or binge watching shows. They don't do anything else in their lives and they can't see that this is exactly why they aren't happy. It is their own poor life choices that is making them miserable. I will admit that I found myself in a "down" state years ago and thankfully I had the advice of a friend to help me out of it. She suggested that I hit the gym real hard and go for walks in the sun to take my mind off of things. This helped me a LOT and I now had the added benefit of getting some muscles out of the deal. If you suffer from depression, I think it is important to realize that you hold the keys in your hand as far as getting out of that is concerned and it isn't at the bottom of a bottle.


Remember how I was talking about Dad Jokes making a comeback on 9gag? Well these are regularly featured as top memes even though they are not technically memes. Twitter is frowned upon by the overlords of 9gag but since I don't have Twitter and wouldn't use it if I did, I wouldn't see these things otherwise. Therefore I like them. Also, even though I was once pretty good at it, I really don't like golf. I do like drinking beer and driving golf carts, but it's just the hitting the ball and getting really frustrated that gets under my skin. I don't understand the allure.


I think we've all been here at one point or another. I know that I cringe when I think about some of my public makeout sessions when I was a lot younger. In Asia, this sort of behavior is very much frowned upon so you don't often see it happen but it is kind of funny when you think about how most of us are germaphobes in a very selective way. If a friend of mine offered me his water bottle, that is exactly how I would drink out if it regardless of how well I know them.


Non-Americans wont understand this but Waffle House is a place of legend in the United States. This budget-friendly 24 hour breakfast joint is quite the unusual establishment. The dregs of society seem to gravitate towards them and you can be guaranteed that the drunks do so as well. I have seen multiple fights break out randomly at a Waffle House and it is just kind of expected. 9gag has embraced the Waffle House sensation that is going on right now and since I used to be a regular at this place, I'm all for that. Another meme that I neglected to save said something along the lines of "Denny's is just Waffle House for people who don't know how to fight."


Again, this is not technically a meme because there is no image or .gif but this one made me think. I am not part of the credit system anymore because unless i put down a rather massive deposit no Asian country is going to issue me credit because they have no legal way of getting it back from me. The last time I had a credit card it had a limit of 50,000 Baht, which was the exact amount of the money I had in a savings account that I couldn't touch without going into a branch. I find being free from credit cards to be quite liberating actually. Now I mostly buy things with cash and this keeps me from getting into trouble with spur-of-the-moment purchases or going nuts on a tab because the little plastic thing in my pocket is going to pay for it. The fact that credit scores can be negatively affected by the government is pretty upsetting though. They don't pay any attention to keeping their own finances in order but expect us to?


One of my favorite sections of 9gag is the "dog" section and if you know me, you already know why I like it so much. My own dog is afraid of the ocean and this is something that is a bit annoying because I really think she would have some fun if she were just to get in there and have a go. There have been a few times that she was really hot and threw caution to the wind and just jumped in and had a great time. I live near the beach and take her down there regularly but she has no interest in it for the most part. Maybe I should consider myself lucky because it is really difficult to get all the sand out of a dog's fur.


If you are not American, maybe you don't understand how Alabama is the butt of the joke on a regular basis. A lot of it is undeserved but that state has a reputation of being a bit backwards and stupid. I have never been there so I can't really say for sure. I'm certain that just like anywhere they have their share of idiots as well as loads of really intelligent people. That doesn't change the fact that if you were to ask Americans which of the states are the least smart they would likely answer Alabama or West Virginia.


If you are familiar with my blog you already know that I have a bit of an obsession with 10-pin bowling so naturally this one was always going to resonate with me. Bowling balls weigh around 15 lbs and have the consistency of a rock. You could kill someone with it so yeah, don't throw it into a crowd.


I'll leave you the same way I tend to in these things with a picture of my dog, Nadi, doing one of her favorite things. Relaxing in the "sploot" position.

Do you have any memes to share? If so, let's have em!

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