American singer-songwriter JoJo, Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa, and “The Uncle Eddie”, aren’t mentioned too much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, folks!
(Beware: NSFW humor.)
Is it true that if a lady can drink eggnog she can swallow too?
Did you know that eggnog is also called “milk punch”?
Would you rather have your porn search history to be shown at Christmas dinner, or have your porn search history to be shown in a meeting with the entire office?
Would you rather have “a peck of pickled peppers”, a pie baked with “four-and-twenty blackbirds, or a “Christmas Pie” with plums in it? For that matter, wouldn’t you have to pick the peppers before you pickled them?
(Wise men followed it.)
The movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real-life department store. What is it?
Screw the snow! Does anyone need their mom plowed?
In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born in?
(Turkey–originally Patara, a city in the ancient district of Lycia, in Asia Minor)
Guys, did you ever meet a gal who hung mistletoe over her clitoris?
What part of the word “illegal” do some people still not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
(A button)
Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on?
(The Christian bishop St. Nicholas)
Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
(Germany. No joke; it's true.)
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)