Stupid Questions 375

in humor •  2 months ago  (edited)

Russian model Kristina Ruslanovna Pimenova, and “Clitorference”, are not really mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, folks!


Do you think Wonder Woman ever gets cold in that little outfit of hers?

What would your Mafia name be if you were a “goodfella”?

Why is a belly button called a “navel”? Does the shape of your navel have anything to do with your overall sea worthiness?

Who is scarier, Marilyn Manson or Charles Manson?

What do a pallet of bricks and a fat girl have in common?
(Sooner or later they will both get laid by a Mexican.)

When you close your eyes, are you seeing black, or are you not seeing at all?

If you were an evil criminal mastermind trying to conquer the world and you had just captured James Bond, would you put him in an unnecessarily complex deathtrap out of your line of vision (using a slow moving platform that lowered him into a pool of piranhas, or a slow-moving laser) or would you just put a bullet in his head?

Do kids who are raised by two gay or lesbian parents have a hard time “coming out” if they realize they are heterosexuals?

“Who Knew?”

Is it true that Elton John is great on the piano but sucks on the organ?

Why does the word “onomatopoeia” sound nothing like what it is?

Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?

Why do we “let the cat out of the bag” when we spill a secret?

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it’s not included here?

Back to navel, do you think that people with “innies” are more introverted than people with “outies”?

“Who Dat Boy?”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)

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