Stupid Questions 380

in humor •  last month  (edited)

English singer Erin Bloomer, and “D*ck Withdrawal” are not really mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, guys and dolls!

“Who Want Smoke??”

Vintage Junior High School Stupid Question: What do you call a nurse with dirty knees?
(The Head Nurse.)

If a country is poor, why don’t they just print more money?

Ladies, don’t you wish the weekend came as quickly as your ex-boyfriend?

Would you delete your social media accounts for a healthy relationship?

Did I already confess that I’ve eaten more p*ssy than cervical cancer?

Do you know why women talk so much and men think so much?
(Because women have four lips and men have two heads.)

Do I still have to ask which part of the word “illegal” do some of you still fail to comprehend?

“Who Am I Living For?”

Is it true that impotence is just nature’s way of saying: no hard feelings?

Is it true that masturbation is more fun when you do it in front of each other?

Did you ever find yourself yelling: “Get off your phone, you c*nt, and maybe you could get your car the f--k out of my way!” at the vehicle in front of you?

Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?

Is it true that no lady wants to be hurt in a relationship but a little sore walking is OK?

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it’s not included here?

Ren asked: “have you ever been in the car with someone who drives like we got extra lives?”

Is it true that pierced nipples taste like house keys? (I honestly don’t remember right now.)

“Who Am I (What's My Name)?”

So, are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)

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