Hyperbolic Stretching Review - Flexibility, Penis Size Men & Cellulitis Women

in hyperbolic •  6 years ago 

Hyperbolic Stretching Review - Flexibility, Penis Size Men & Cellulitis Women


Is It Possible for Any Man To Achieve Full Muscle Flexibility, Stronger Erections and Bigger Manhood In Just 4 Weeks Of Using This Brand New Superfast Stretching Protocol?

​Yes!  New Discovery Confirmed 378% Growth Of Muscle Elasticity, Increased  Penis Size And Improved Blood Circulation In Pelvic Floor Following This  8-Minute Flexibility Routine...

Welcome dear one,   I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival.   WHAT  IF I told you there is a completely natural way to achieve flat splits,  full elasticity, boost your sexual stamina and gain total body  confidence?   ​I'm  going to reveal to you a simple, yet highly effective 8-minute per day  routine that will give you incredible core strength, longer, harder  erections and body full elasticity.    ​

  Yes, right now is the moment you've been waiting for...   ​

  You're ready to experience the benefits of enhanced mobility, increased performance and vibrant vitality.    

Before  I reveal my secret trick to you, I need to start at the beginning and  share with you the deeply personal story that brought me here today.   Let me first introduce myself.    ​My name is Alex Larsson and believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Two  years ago, I left my PC programming career only to become a full-time  professional flexibility and natural penis enlargement expert.   

To this date, I've helped over 16,000 men from all walks of life achieve significant gains in muscle elasticity and core strength.    ​I  discovered surprisingly simple "neuro-muscular loophole" that everyone  else, including physiology specialists and medical experts overlooked. My previous job almost made me completely paralyzed.   As a programmer I used to spend over 10 hours behind my computer every day. Until one evening, after 12 hours of coding I couldn't stand up from chair.   I experienced total neuro-muscular shutdown of my lower back, hips and thigh muscles.   Rushed to the hospital, I was told it could take months of rehabilitation until my system reactivates.   Luckily, that wasn't my case because what I discovered not only helped me back on my feet.   It gave me much, much more...   If  You’re A Person Who Wants Extra Pack of Sexual Endurance and  Self-Confidence, Who Needs Core Strength and Flexibility Without Wasting  Time With Outdated Methods… Keep Reading.   Yes, what you're about to learn is powerful.   And if you think that I'm talking about some complicated body postures, I'm not. This natural 'stretch and enlarge hack' tricks your muscle survival system turning your muscles into elastic steel pipes by restructuring alignment of your pelvic floor.   It's all about the simplest body positions you can think of that do the magic.   Before I get to into details, let me explain how this 41-year old guy unconsciously sabotaged his own health and sexual life.   I hadn't done any sports for years.    ​
  See, all the disciplines I had been attracted to in the past required high levels of flexibility.    Unfortunately, none of the traditional stretching methods worked for me.    No matter what I did, my legs and back remained stiff.   

​​In  yoga classes, I wasn't able to assume even the most basic poses. Same  with my martial arts ambitions. I could never kick above the waist  level.   I  felt awkward, off-balance by every kick I tried. Without flexibility,  there was no coordination in my techniques and movements.   Frustrated from my poor performance, I abandoned these activities.   

Bad decision. As you already know, the bill arrived in form of debilitating immobility.   I had to resort to working from home.    That turned out to be a huge problem because I lived alone. ​​There was no one around who would take care of me when I needed it the most.    ​
  I didn't have a partner for over a decade because unconsciously, I used to avoid relationships.   ​Don't get me wrong, I was the best party maker and a great companion to women. But, when things got intimate I just gave up and walked away before anything serious happened. At least that's what I was telling myself for years.   But the real truth was deeply buried in the depths of my mind.    The Truth That I Had Zero Self-Confidence In Front Of Every Woman I Was Attracted To.   Reason? I wasn't endowed with penis size I would consider long and thick enough to satisfy women in bed. Even worse, I was afraid of being laughed out.   

​In fact, I had no sex life....no real joy in living.   Did years spent behind my keyboard and lack of movement slowly put my sex drive and interest in women to sleep?   ​
  Yes, it did. No wonder my body just switched off.    ​This is it, I remember thinking. Here I was, sitting at the edge of my bed with head in my palms.    ​
  Women ignored me.   "Did they sense my lack of libido...or perhaps the small size of my penis?"    "Or was it just my lack of self-confidence sending wrong signals to women?"   "Can I have children?"    "Am I really destined to live alone for the rest of my boring life?"   I used to live without a plan, never questioning life. And if you're young I can tell you this....sooner or later, you will want to have these questions answered.    So,  I went through countless women blogs and discovered they speak  different language there, freely talking about topics you won't normaly  find anywhere else.   ​
  And yes, they do talk a lot about disappointments, unpleasant surprises they found in men's shorts. Like it or not, women are very sensitive to man's phallic size and sexual power.   ​

  Even Scientists and Psychology Experts Confirm That Size Really Matters To Women...A Lot!   An extensive survey conducted by The University of West of Scotland confirms that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely to climax with men with larger penises.    The study concluded that women who prefer penile-vaginal intercourse over other types of sex also say they prefer large penis sizes, researchers reported in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. (1)   So  basically all the less endowed men are much more likely to find life  partner that can't reach orgasm or else, they risk to once be cheated.   

That day, I decided to find a solution and started browsing  the internet. I searched through all sports and medical studies  available. I didn't omit ancient methods of healing, modern science of  exercise and human psychology.     Until  one lucky day, I noticed interesting relationships between autonomic  survival reflexes and the structure of pelvic floor muscles.   I  Stumbled Upon A Hidden Loophole That Instantly Boosts Muscle  Elasticity, Pelvic Muscle Floor Strength That In Turn Pushes The Root Of  Man's Penis Out Of The Hip Cage.   Well, I wanted to figure out if my conclusions were correct. I decided to test my hypothesis and started exercising right away.    

Something  unusual happened right after my first stretching workout. Nope, I  didn't notice any improvement in my mobility just yet. But all of a  sudden, I experienced strong sensation of warmth and a rush of blood flowing into my pelvic area that lasted no less than 2 hours. My penis felt thicker and heavier.   Next day, I woke up with strong morning erection. I hadn't experienced that for years.    Three days in, I was able to do couple more steps and my body felt much more elastic. Days later, I was able to touch the floor with my fingers with both legs fully stretched out...for the first time in my life.   On day 7, I noticed my penis wasn't only thicker, it seemed to be longer.    ​Was it an optical illusion? My tape showed a stunning 1.4" increase in length! Let me tell you that my self-confidence went through the roof! Plus, I knew I was onto something....   On day 11, my lower back, thigh and hip mobility was back on.   Fast forward, my penis length increased by total of 3.6 inches in 28 days! And it didn't change until this very day. Plus, I could easily drop into side split and front splits...without a warm-up!   Few months later, I met the woman of my life.    This time, I didn't hesitate. Lisa is amazing and funny!    ​We have two beautiful children. The fear of sexual failure completely disappeared from my life.   Ever since I went through the 4-week routine, I feel stronger, my erections are harder and last much longer than ever before.    I also started working out again.   The rest is history. I started sharing this method in health forums, MMA gyms, martial arts dojos and yoga classes across the States, Canada, Australia, Asia and Europe. ​   

My advice WORKS for everyone, just as it can work for you!    So  How Can You Really Increase Your Penis Size And Ramp-Up Your Erection  While Gaining Total Body Flexibility and Strength All At The Same Time?   Let me break it all down into two important concepts that make all this possible.    First of all, science has proven that muscles are already flexible enough to  get you into the deepest stretches you can imagine, including full  splits. Every muscle in human body can be stretched up to 130% of its  length.    

​For  example, a full side split only requires your adductor muscles to be  stretched approximately to 108% of their normal resting length.   So why can't you do full splits right now?   Because there is a certain "survival muscle reflex" you need to overcome first.  In other words, when a muscle is stretched beyond its normal length,  the "survival reflex" automatically contracts that muscle to protect and  prevent it from tearing apart.

This is the myotatic reflex also known as reciprocal muscle inhibition. It is the main barrier preventing you from displaying your full flexibility potential at this moment.   ​
  Once you switch this muscle reflex off, your  muscles will be able to fully relax anytime during the day, even  without  a warm-up. From that point on, your muscle memory will keep you  flexible forever, provided you'll maintain your flexibility with  regular exercise.   So, the moment you overcome this muscle reflex, you'll become flexible beyond belief.   The  Real Secret to Quick Flexibility Gain and Natural Enlargement Lies In  Overcoming The Natural "Survival Reflex" That Contracts Your Muscles  When They Are Stretched Beyond Their Usual Range of Motion.

"Ok Alex, but what does it have to do with penis size and my erection?" I hear you saying.    Really easy. My stretching trick does the same thing to your penis naturally, what enlargement surgery does to it brutally.    A surgeon would cut the suspensory ligament that connects your penis to pelvic floor and pelvic bone. This allows the root of your penis to become externalized outside your hip cage.    So, the same exercise routine  that will make you fully flexible will naturally push the root of your  penis out. It's all about strengthening and stretching your pelvic floor  muscles under specific angles.   There is no need to cut pelvic ligaments  in order to have your penis root externalized and fixed in this  position with dangerous surgeries or violent penis pulling exercises.   To achieve permanent external penis root exposure, your connective ligaments need to be stretched and pelvic floor muscles need to gain a little mass to fill the vacant space created after the root has been pushed out.    

Here's Why This 8-Minute Trick Makes IT Bigger So Fast.   In order to achieve this size effect, pelvic floor muscles need to be targeted with isolation exercises.   Unfortunately,  no conventional exercise can successfully isolate pelvic floor muscles  simply because all traditional exercises also stretch and contract your  lower back, abs and glutes.   ​
  Proper isolation of pelvic muscles can only be achieved in positions where the angle between your left and right thigh is more than 95 - 105 degrees.    And this is where my stretching trick hits the spot right on!    Using this method, your penis length can be naturally elongated by up to 3.8 inches, depending on your current length. ​That's actually 2 inches more than what's possible with a surgery.    ​Remember, invasive penis exercises and surgeries lead to erectile dysfunction and loss of pelvic sensitivity later in life.   

Recent comparative study performed on a group of 377 individuals confirmed that this special stretching protocol also increases pelvic muscle floor strength by 235% when compared to any other traditional method.    ​
  Such a strength in your pelvis can also remove incontinency and prolapse problems not only in older men but women as well.   

The #1 Reason Why Natural Solutions Always Outperform Invasive Methods Of Enlargement.   Penis elongation was an issue since the dawn of the mankind.    Sadly, even with the most advanced 21st century technology only slow progress has been made. Brutal surgeries or pills offering temporary solutions and nasty side-effects are short-sighted options.    If you are concerned about your health, then this natural solution is for you.   Surgeries  and old-fashioned brutal penis stretching methods can cause mechanical  damage to hip tendons, tear connective muscle tissue that leads to  erectile dysfunction and weak pelvic structure.   ​

  There is no point in risking your health anymore.   

There are countless beneficial effects of this non-invasive method when it comes to natural enhancement of biological processes in human body.   I was able to prove effectiveness of this aproach on more than 16,000 men from all walks of life. All of them were 100% satisfied with the results they achieved.   ​
  You can get the same results as my students did, regardless of your age or current condition in just 4 weeks from now.   Introducing The Powerful Handbook & Video Training Program for Men:   HYPERBOLIC STRETCHING   

With  Hyperbolic Stretching You Can Achieve Your Full Flexibility Potential,  Ultra-Strong Pelvic Floor Muscles, Experience Longer, Harder Erections  and Naturally Increase Size In Just 8 Minutes Per Day...   Take advantage of the cumulative effect of The Hyperbolic Stretching Program!   Untrained men who  replaced traditional methods of stretching with The Hyperbolic Program  were able to cut time spent on flexibility enhancement down by 63% and  achieved their full elasticity potential including flat splits in 28  days.   Median increase in flaccid penis length was 2.8 inches and 0.4 in diameter after full 28 days of training four times per week.    

Put all traditional exercises that decrease muscle strength and dangerous libido pills aside.    Avoid dangerous penis extending devices and surgeries.    Always  consider whether exposing your body to abusive and invasive methods is  worth the price you pay from a long-term perspective.   Natural training is the safest, most rewarding way  to achieve all the physical attributes you want. Smart people are  continuously discovering better, more effective and less time consuming  exercise methods.   There is a powerful alpha male hidden inside of you, waiting to be unchained and work on your behalf, reaching whatever it is your want in your life.    And The Hyperbolic Stretching Program can unleash your full potential quickly and naturally.

Yes, this method is so potent.   ​
  Imagine  How It Would Feel To Be Fully Confident In Front Of Every Woman,  Knowing You Can Satisfy Her Needs With Hours Of Uniterrupted Joy and  Pleasure.   To See The Immense Growth Of Your Sport Performance With All The Muscle Elasticity At Your Disposal...   

Just 8-minutes Per Day And You’ll Achieve What Most People Only Dream of Achieving Their Entire Lives.    Inside The Hyperbolic Stretching Program, You'll Discover...   

The #1 biggest mistake everyone does when stretching for static or dynamic flexibility. Learn how to unlock your full flexibility potential on page 20...  The exact hyperbolic trick that increases penis length by at least 1.2 inches in the first week of stretching and up to 2.6 inches in the next 21 days...  The little-known hack  that instantly leads to longer, harder erections, ejaculation control  and doubles the amount of orgasms you can have in a set time frame...   The boosting effect of hyperbolic routine on building rock solid glutes, perfectly shaped thighs and calves...  How to instantly reactivate production of growth hormones at any age without dangerous side effects of medications...  Discover the shortened exercise routine that removes all types of incontinence, improves prostate health and prevents prolapse in men...  How to unlock you hunter mindset regardless of age, acquire irresistible charisma, boost sexual apetite and attract the right partner into your life...  The 3-second muscle contraction secret that lets you drop into full splits, kick higher or strike advanced yoga poses at any time of the day even if your muscles are cold...  How to maintain full body flexibility, pelvic strength and enlarged penis in just 6 short minutes of stretching per week...  The most effective way to warm-up your muscles before main training session or competition for maximum muscular strength and performance...   The ultimate full-body flexibility routine you must know to maintain highly flexible, strong and injury-proof body for the rest of your life...  How to precisely calculate the exact number of days it will take you to reach full splits without a warm-up. Note: Everyone can achieve splits in 28 days or less...  Why all penis pulling exercises, penile massages and vacuum devices pose increased risk of tendon injury and erectile dysfunction...    

  • How to stimulate Nitric Oxide production that drives more blood and increases holding capacity of penis chambers for staying power...

That's the complete list of all the amazing techniques you'll discover in The Hyperbolic Stretching Program. I am 100% convinced you will experience nothing but full results if you stick to my simple suggestions.    

As a professional instructor who regularly meets with experts in other fields of study and practice, I would like to give you everything I've learned and everything I have been personally using in my life with success.   I decided to share with you three more secrets that will elevate your strength, endurance and life results into another level. No fluff, just a quick right-on instruction.    Here are the amazing bonuses included with The Hyperbolic Stretching Program:   

Bonus Mind Power Unleashed Handbook   Your mind is a super computer.    The subconscious  part of your mind takes care of all the involuntary processes within  your body, stores your experiences, beliefs and thoughts that form your  unique personality.    Based on this information your mind creates your everyday reality and habits that often block you from achieving your goals, dreams and desires.   Learn how to easily reprogram your mind for success, prosperity and power using proven techniques that perfectly blend ancient secrets with modern scientific discoveries.    

Bonus Full Body Flexibility for Static & Dynamic Performance   Experience new levels of self-confidence and radiant health through full-body elasticity. Remove rigidity regardless of your age using a simple set of intelligent exercises.   Thousands of people who need flexibility in their lives are constantly looking for perfect full body stretching routine. Look no further because this highly effective routine will help you go beyond possible.   Do this in the morning, before or after your regular training session. Special dynamic warm-up stretches for running, golf, tennis and athletics are included in this highly informative manual.   

Bonus The 8-Minute Strength and Fat Loss   Gone  are the times when everyone believed that 60-minute long high-volume  low-repetition weight lifting sessions perfomed 6 times per week were  the best for strength and muscle gain.   ​
  Sports studies repeatedly confirmed that fastest strength gain and fat loss can be achieved with 8 to 10-minute short high intensity workouts.   ​
  Plus,  learn how to design simple your own weight loss diet and create  personalized high-intensity interval workout you can do at home, outside  or in the gym. Just 3 times per week and you'll see tangible  improvements in every training session.   So what does it cost to get you into the best shape of your life in shortest time possible?   

First let's look at the cold hard facts...   There is no other method that can simultaneously unlock your full flexibility potential, maximize your pelvic strength and safely increase your penis size in a 4-week time frame.   Want To Compare My Program To Other Solutions?   

To  attend my seminar can cost you anywehere from $270 or $370 or more. My  personal one-on-one clients pay me up to $450 for a single 2-hour  session. And they're getting just a fraction of what's in The Hyperbolic Stretching Program that's now in front of your eyes. ​   ​Brutal penis enlargement surgeries could easily cost you thousands.    The pills, injections, time spent with your instructor - something you won't need to do anymore...   

The  Hyperbolic Stretching Program will cost you nowhere near that. Because  of the electronic distribution possibilities, I can afford to offer you a  quick 80% discount before I increase the price to $197.   

​Right  now, you can get the complete Hyperbolic Stretching Program for a  refundable deposit of ($197) $27. That's less than a price of pizza for  two.   Click The “BUY NOW” Button Below And See If You're Still Eligible For The Discount Price Of Only $27   


Plus, I'm so convinced this program will deliver the results you want, that I'll give your deposit back at anytime in the next 60 days, if you say the word.    Achieve Full Flexibility, Gain Core Strength, Longer Penis Size and Feel More Body Confidence...Or Your Money Back!   MY GUARANTEE IS SIMPLE.   GET RESULTS OR IT'S FREE.   
I want you to be 100% confident in The Hyperbolic Stretching Program.   
You have a FULL 60 DAYS GUARANTEE, yet you'll see first results right after your first taining session.    That's Right! Should you not see any results I will personally issue a prompt and courteous refund with NO QUESTIONS ASKED.    Even if you don't give me a reason, I will give you your money back in full.   What's more, I am even willing to invest and pay a non-refundable $2 fee that will be taken off my bank account when you decide to give this system a try.    

​Compare it to the drugs and instructors that you may be paying for now.    Do they offer any guarantees? Does your doctor? I do.    With several thousands of happy men I know this method is life-changing and honestly, I don't want you to miss out on this opportunity.   So, here it is...your chance to do something about your flexibility, sexual confidence and strength, right now.   
What should you do next? You have two options:   

Go  back to your traditional methods of training, pills and  medications...knowing they will only give you sub-optimal results and  less than a peak performance...   ​Or you can choose the quickest, easiest and smartest option, squeeszing everything you can from a short stretching session...   

You can start learning about The Hyperbolic Stretching Program and become the super-flexible, brutally strong alpha male right now.   Gain  maximum muscle flexibility potential, increase physical strength, boost  your erections and achieve prolonged sexual pleasure almost  immediately.   

​I've already done the work for you. All you have to do is take the next step...   Click The “BUY NOW” Button And See If You're Still Eligible For The Discount Price of Only $27   

Sincerely,   ​
PS2: Your investment is protected by full 60-day money back guarantee.  That's a lot of time for you to test it all out. Remember, you'll see  tangible results after your first stretching session. Take advantage of  the huge discount that's going to expire very soon, right now!   Here Are My Answers To Most Common Questions.   Is Hyperbolic Stretching for me and how does it work?    Response:  Hyperbolic  stretching is the newest form of achieving full flexibility potential,  larger penis and stronger pelvic muscles that will in turn give you long  standing power and unusually hard erections from the very first  workout.   This  stretching program was initially developed only for muscle flexibility  and mobility, however its miraculous effects on penis size and erection  were revealed right after I put this method under test. You don't have  to stretch every day. In fact, stretching just 8 to 12 minutes, four  days a week has proven to be most effective.   ​
  I'm over 50, will it still work for me?   ​
   Response:  Yes,  it will. I've had many students over 60 years of age gaining the same  flexibility, vitality and size results just like anyone else. In fact, I  started with this method at 41 myself. There is no age limit here.   

Can conventional static stretching really decrease muscle strength and overall performance?    Response:   Yes, and there are several studies on this subject that you can find in  the U.S. National Library of Health. As an example, you can study The  Acute Effects of Static Stretching on Muscle Strength and Power Output  by Sarah M. Marek. Just google it out.   ​
  Hyperbolic  Stretching on the other hand strengthens your muscles and increases  both, your strength and power output by also increasing your  flexibility.   ​
  Is Hyperbolic Stretching for Everyone?   ​
   Response:   Everyone can use it with 100% success. There is a limit though. If you  suffer are recovering from tendon, connective tissue or muscle injuries,  make sure your muscles are completely healed before using Hyperbolic  Stretching.   ​
  When Will I See Full Results?   ​
   Response:   People are different but you should see first results immediately and  full results in 4 weeks. If you stick to the frequency of stretching  (four times per week), there is no way you won't be satisfied with the  results.    Click “BUY NOW” To Unlock Your Full Size And Flexibility Potential for Only $27   

What If It Doesn't Work For Me?   ​
   Response:   Even though there is no reason why it shouldn't work for you, you are  safely backed by my full 60-days money back guarantee. Just contact me  using the contact form below and I will issue a prompt refund, no  questions asked.   ​
  How Long Until I Get The Program?   ​
   Response:   Anywhere from 5 seconds to few minutes. You will receive download link  from Clickbank right into your mailbox, so you can view the manuals  conveniently on your smartphone or you can download it to your computer.   ​
  Is My Payment and Personal Information Safe?   ​
   Response:  Absolutely!  All data are passing through 100% secure payment protocol and your  information is never shared with anyone. My website is using Clickbank  as payment processor - a recognized global retailer certified by the  Better Business Bureau. Clickbank operates in over 190 countries,  processing thousands of electronic payments each day.   ​
  Can I Checkout with PayPal?   ​
   Response:  Yes! As a highly reputable retailer, Clickbank gives you the option of using PayPal and other ways of secure payment.   ​
  Is This A One-Time-Only Payment?   ​
   Response:  Yes.  No monthly fees. You will only pay once and the product is yours the  moment you receive the product download link in an email from Clickbank.​   

Scientific references:​   ​
  (1)  Penis Size Matters, Study Conducted by Stuart Brody, a psychologist at  the University of the West of Scotland, published in LIveScience.com on  Sept 4, 2012 and in the Sexual Journal of Medicine.   ​
  (2)  The Acute Effects of Static Stretching on Muscle Strength and Power  Output by Sarah M. Marek, Journal of Athletic Training, 2005.

(3)  Functional relationships between myotatic reflex arcs of the lower limb  in man: Investigation by excitability curves. U.S. National Library of  Medicine, P. J. Delwaide, 1976.

(4) A pilot randomized trial of  conventional versus advanced pelvic floor exercises to treat urinary  incontinence after radical prostatectomy: a study protocol, Daniel Santa  Mina, 2015.

(5) Structural effects and potential changes in  growth factor signalling in penis-projecting autonomic neurons after  axotomy, Catalina A Palma, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2006.

(6) Transnitrosylation: A Factor in Nitric Oxide-Mediated Penile Erection, Biljana Musicki, PMC 2011.

(67) A review of penile elongation surgery, Jeffrey Campbell, PMC, U.S. National Library of Health, 2017.   ​
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