Zeto ICO

in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)

 Zeto:We what we eat!

Today we begin the review of the project which will protect our stomachs from hit of the spoiled and low-quality food there. Do you want to learn as the blockchain can will take care of your diet? Then we will begin!

The most demanded product

Richard Branson provides one of quotes in the book "Naked Business" the characterizing short-sightedness of businessmen. It is a phrase which the father-shlyapochnik says to the growing-up son. "People will be always need beautiful headdresses" — he says to him thereby saying that business by which the father is busy will be able to bring income and to the son.

That an era when fashion for hats was really general and the man without hat was considered as the mad tramp forever has left. The exception is made only by some individuals who are obviously feeling nostalgic for former "shlyapochny" times.

But despite development of science and production the phrase "Will be always necessary to people food" doesn't sound so and it is absurd. Really kind of we didn't develop medicine or transport to all of us it will be necessary though something to eat. And so far scientists haven't constructed alternative power supplies of the person which would allow him to function fully the problem of production and consumption of food won't disappear anywhere.

"What problem of production of food? I don't see any problem!" — someone from you can object. But kind of we don't want food really to one of the most difficult questions which should be solved at the level with world crisis by global warming and overpopulation.

Yes for the last few years you were lucky to see that every day the population of the earth grows. Already very soon – by 2025 us there will be more than eight billion people. And all of them will want to breathe to drink and of course is. And against the background of increase in volume of intellectual activity reduction of time of rest and constant stresses, consumption of food steadily grows and is similar that the decision which will help us is necessary copes with questions concerning food much more effectively.

The decision is from Ireland

The team of experts from the Republic of Ireland has decided to undertake the organization of shipments of food in network of supermarkets and local shops. A concept of their project – Zeto (the name most likely sending by ancient times when it was something like laudatory exclamation on a row with "Viva!") consists in that to provide accurate and strict control of all stages which production passes from the producer to the final buyer.

Their ambitious plan has much in common with similar concepts which we already once already considered but they concerned various equipment and spare parts for cars more. For example at the plant the concrete number ciphered in a digital QR code or the electronic chip is assigned to a GRM belt.

Whether in case it is necessary to establish authenticity of a product or to define in what shop I was is made to sink down it it is read out by means of the suitable equipment and the request for that is registered such belt in the database of the producer.

Such concept of fight against a counterfeit is used for example by the Adidas company: take the sneakers and enter on the website into the special field number put on the label on uvula inside. If you the owner of the original but on the screen is highlighted the big and beautiful image of footwear which you hold in hand.

However recently introduction of the database on the basis of a blockchain to provide still big reliability of check enjoys the increasing popularity. There are even developments capable to introduce the NFC chip at each reading of which it previously appropriated blockchain system uses a new code.

The register on the basis of a blockchain has a number of advantages basic of which his resistance to change is. For example if the malefactor previously having made party of a counterfeit product will want "to legalize" it by amending the similar database that success waits for him only when breaking of the centralized habitual system.

If she works at base of a blockchain that it just won't allow to construct new blocks with information which isn't true and doesn't coincide with those data which are already introduced in a blockchain.

The blockchain in the Zeto system performs approximately the same function, only in the world of shipments of food in points of retail trade. Thanks to the project we will be able to see soon as from packings dates of production and suitability and also all other information like structure and compliance to requirements of various standards vanish. On it so far all continuation in the second part!


Website:  zetochain.com   

White paper:  whitepaper 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zetochain

Telegram: https://t.me/zetochain

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