HiHealth: A blocking solution to protect your health

in ico •  6 years ago 

No matter how much we talk about various problems that the implementation of the detachment can solve, human health will always be the most important of them. And the truth is, you will not need knowledge about which of the exchanges for exchanging crypto currency is the most transparent, or how to organize the delivery of the future if you constantly feel bad. It was with the goal of developing the medical sector and providing patients with a new level of service that the HiHealth project was launched . About him and talk today!

Medical information on the detachment

HiHealth is a blockbuster platform, which is a large analytical artificial intelligence, with pre-loaded data on what happens to the human body during its normal activities. Thus, it is possible to identify the disease at an early stage, and to help a person to consult a specialist. 

For constant monitoring, the project team will use the technology to monitor physiological indicators, as your fitness tracker does during training or when you tell him about it yourself. Through the interaction of constant data provisioning and analysis with the help of AI, the level of the medical map that you represented in the future is achieved (unless, of course, you even think about such things ).

Why do not we live forever?

All our bodies have one unfortunate feature - they all break down. Yes, we are getting old, getting injured or starting to get sick due to various bacteria and viruses. This is all unambiguously unpleasant, but there is good news - most diseases mankind can treat. And it is true that almost for every violation of the body functions there is a treatment algorithm that allows to correct this or that problem. At what, almost always such treatment brings a favorable outcome. 

Why then do people get sick and, worse, die? Yes, despite all the power of modern medicine, we still can not say that it is all-powerful, even if we look at its constant development and the invention of new techniques. There are many reasons for this, but if you think about and compare the fact that the treatment exists, but not always the patient receives it, you can say for sure - the problem in diagnosis, and establish several factors of this phenomenon:

  • Lack of medical personnel per capita. The next time you sit in the queue to the therapist and resent how little doctors in your country have and the unhealthy health care system, just think about the fact that there are only three doctors in Sierra Leone for 100,000 people. What is the probability that each patient will receive a worthy treatment?
  • Difficult work with data. Each doctor, before assigning treatment, should analyze gigabytes of data of various information, which in one way or another may indicate the cause of the ailment. Just imagine how much this is possible for the places in which the doctor is loaded with sick to the eyeballs. Often, a physician simply does not have the physical time to properly analyze and is forced to prescribe palliative care.
  • Time to diagnose. It may seem that we have repeated the second paragraph, but this is not entirely true. Now it is a question of those cases when the patient has addressed in hospital, and before statement of the diagnosis should pass a number of diagnostic procedures. Of course, this takes time, which a sick person may not have.
  • Time for healthy people. Was not there a situation in your life when you, having suspected your illness, started to knock anxiously at the doors of different doctors? Well, if not, then you are very lucky, and you did not become an element of stagnation in the development of modern medicine. Most patient anxiety is false, but the doctor must spend time on to establish the absence of the disease and let the person go home.

Nevertheless, progress does not stand still, and the HiHealth project is a vivid example. After all, with the problems of the items listed above, he can help cope. Using existing technologies, and not inventing new ones, the platform will help to get treatment exactly for those who need it, without spending time on healthy people and dealing only with patients. About how exactly they plan to do this, we'll cover in the following parts of our review . 


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