NaviAddress is a decentralized platform that aims to create a digital addressing system for places and objects, adapted to the age of mobile and connected objects.
1. The problem of current addressing system
Addresses, whether with the longitude-latitude system or the postal addressing system, are essential elements of our current society. They mainly allow to "represent" a place, be it a building in a city or a place of commercial activity. Let's start with a bit of history!
The longitude-latitude coordinate system, invented by the famous Greek astronomer Ptolemy, was the first location system to be used on a large scale. Isaac Newton formalized the principle into a system that described each place on Earth with a set of numbers, letters, or symbols. Currently, it remains one of the most used systems, but it is far from ideal and it presents a lot of defects: a complicated format to understand for the uninitiated cartographic systems, a complexity in the conversion to a Real "location" and especially a non-user-friendly system that does not allow to use it daily.
From the 18th century, postal addresses made their appearance at the time when cities developed; the good memory of local factors had become insufficient to allow the parcels to be delivered to thousands of people every day. But it was in the 1930s that this system became global. Although this is the system we currently use, it also has many flaws:
Almost one in two people (about 4 billion) do not have an address. And without address, impossible to make orders online for example. This is create a large social disparity that no government is addressing at the moment.
Delivery addresses are not verified upon first use which results in delivery errors and causes significant losses.
Coffee shops, hotels, restaurants, retail outlets, ... All these institutions are poorly identified for international tourists and expatriates making them, in a large majority, inaccessible and therefore generates potential sales losses.
With these defects of the current systems and if we projects ourselve in today's increasingly connected and globalized world, the need for a complete, functional and universal addressing system becomes even more pressing. Many attempts have been made throughout history to set up such a system, but so far none has succeeded.
Naviaddress seeks to change this by creating a decentralized solution for universal digital address.
2. An universal solution
NaviAddress is a decentralized platform, based on blockchain and the use of smart contracts, which aims to create the first global digital addressing system. This platform allows individuals and businesses to create, obtain, own, lend and sell their digital addresses. One of the aims of NaviAddress is to cover all habitable places on Earth so that people who currently have no official address can get one via a naviaddresses. In the system, a naviaddresses comes in the form of unified numeric identifiers for any place and object in the real and virtual worlds.
An example of naviaddress for the Eiffel Tower whose actual address is: Champ de Mars, 5 avenue Anatole France - 75007 Paris, France. The corresponding naviaddress is [33] 575004 which is, indeed, much clearer and more universal.
The basic principles of the Naviaddress system:
- A clear, simple and universally recognizable address, whatever the language or culture, since it's represented by a simple sequence of numbers: [71] 0022
- The ability to handle hybrid addressing since a naviaddress can be applied to a classical postal address or a connected object
- The possibility to enrich these addresses via information like the contact or precise information on the "last miles".
There are four types of naviaddress possible on the platform:
Custom naviaddress: A custom address refers to a particular place or object at a particular time. The address creator can however easily move it or transpose it to another location. The algorithm used in this regard uses GPS coordinates. This type of address consists of 6 digits and is free for all users of the platform.
Postal naviaddress: A postal naviadresse is a unique combination of numbers based on existing postal address information combined with the international telephone codes of the country / region. For example Moscow is represented by the naviaddress postal [71] 192918. These addresses can not be created by users of the platform (only Navi can create them) but they can use them for deliveries, taxi races, ...
Global naviaddress: these addresses, allocated by the platform, are mainly intended for mobile objects (vehicles, animals, ..). The main users of this type of address are large companies with subsidiaries around the world such as banks, fast food chains, oil companies, ...
Naviaddress Premium: This is a short and personalized address (usually 1-5 digits) which is great for businesses or entities that want a naviaddress easy to remember. These addresses are designed to be "rich" in specific information (description and photos of the place, specific delivery information for the "last mile", useful tips, phone numbers, website, ...). These addresses are "paid" and a user will have to buy a few tokens NAVI afon to get one.
There are three types of actors on the platform: the developer who develops various products, transactions and services related to the Naviaddress system and helps to extend them, the customer who can acquire rights to an address and publish information and the simple user who uses the NaviAddress platform and services.
3. A great team with big experience
The Naviaddress team consists of nine people and eleven advisors. These profiles have a great experience in different fields which creates a very solid and experienced team.
Dmitri Moiseev (the CEO and co-founder) has more than 17 years of experience in management positions. He has served as CEO of Yota Devices EMEA with a mission to grow the company. He also has significant experience in marketing and business development.
Mikhail Gamzin (co-founder) is a "serial entrepreneur" with 30 years of experience. He is also a partner in various investment funds.
Dmitri Sukhanov (CTO) has extensive experience in geo-services, mapping application design and software development. This represents a definite added value in the context of the project.
Dmitri Khmelidze (CFO) has more than 18 years of experience in the management of financial, corporate and start-up projects in the FinTech Switzerland complex. He also held a position at Volvo.
Mikhail Zelenin (VP, Product & Blockchain Architect) has extensive experience in software development for banking products, e-commerce and blockchain.
The other members of the team all have great experiences (between the ages of 15 and 25) in the consulting, finance and investment banking, IT, fundraising or still in government relations.
On the advisors side, the profiles are also very experienced. There are several CEOs, entrepreneurs, experts but especially one of Wabi's two co-founders, Alexander Busarov.
4. Important partners
The company has already established partnerships with companies with broad address bases such as Uber (in 2016) or (in 2017).
According to a press release, the next step will be the establishment of partnerships in China in delivery and e-commerce, as well as hospitality, transport and urban planning.
In addition, cooperation and integration of NaviAddress solution are planned with State Postal Services, AliExpress, Amazon and NinjaVan.
5. A great beta version
NaviAddress already has a beta version (currently version 2.0) and regularly uploads improvements or new features. Although it is only a beta version 0.2, the auction system is now available. The commercial platform should normally see the light of day in the third quarter.
It is available here:
Below is a screenshot of this beta version. The interface is very simple and user-friendly which allows a quick start.
ICO - Token sale
Main ICO: Finished (marsh 2018)
Hardcap: $25 millions ($16.8 millions raised)
Token price: 0,05$
Total Tokens: NAVI
Tokens distribution:
Use of funds:
Some links about the project
- Website:
- WhitePaper:
- Telegram:
- Medium:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Bounty Thread:
Other links:
- Naviaddress coverage on BBC:
- Naviaddress coverage on e27:
- Naviaddress problems-solution intro video:
- DPD company testimonial:
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/!\ All images and videos are from the Whitepaper or the website