Overview of the mobile game Mossland

in ico •  7 years ago 

For the last year, the technology of the added and virtual reality promptly develops. Today the overview is devoted to a mobile game.

General description of the project

"Mossland" — the first mobile game which combines in itself Blockchain, AR/VR and game technologies in the new ecosystem called by Moss Chain. It is possible to install a game on smartphones with the Android or IOS operating system, with the GPS receiver. Thanks to the system of global positioning users compete for receiving the buildings which are nearby in virtual property.

Game process

"Mossland" adds the new game element "registration (entrance)," the being main action motivating the user. Players will look for buildings according to the location and be registered. After registration, it is possible to earn different rewards using which it is possible to improve or purchase "property." Also, Gold or objects are distributed randomly, causing a feeling of passion and surprise after registration. Property value in proportion increases, from the quantity of registered, motivating the Owner to attract new users.  According to statements of developers over time, the number of players will increase, and users will be able to sell or buy buildings or additions to them on open auction. Transactions will take place using internal currency. The salesroom is intended for search of the useful objects implemented at the low price so users will visit quite often the salesroom to be aware of the purposes provided in that place in hope for the excellent transaction. Out of the Salesroom of the sale of objects are prohibited. Advertising platform by P2P and location of the user. The structure of interaction is provided on the scheme. The income is distributed between the Client, the Owner Sobstvennosti, and the Developer. The advertising model assumes payment for perfect action by the user (Cost Per Action, CPA).

Project currency:

Gold. The most popular coin. It is generated during the game and spent by users uncontrollably. Gold is given for registration, passing of missions or new levels. Gems are more valuable than Gold; it is possible to fill up through a mobile application. Are necessary for acquisition of Objects and bonus functions in a game. Moss – the only currency in which the quantity is limited. Some distinctions of Moss – game currency, and Moss Coin – cryptocurrency. It is possible to purchase Moss Coin using other cryptocurrencies of BTC, ETH and at the exchange. Use for the purchase of Property and Additions, and also start of P2P of advertising campaigns. It is possible to examine in the table more visually: 


Reality Reflection is the startup which received the venture funding engaged in virtual and augmented reality (AR/VR) and specializing in the creation of digital models of the person and development of games. The company was founded in 2015, and now 18 specialists in the field of virtual and augmented reality, development of games and marketing work on the Mossland project. 

Details of ICO

ICO 2018-03-21 – 2018-04-17 

Token 1 ETH = 10,000 MOC 

Ethereum platform Accept ETH 

Minimum investment 0,1 ETH 

Hard cap 250,000,000 MOC 

Country of Estonia

Roadmap of the project


The mechanics of a game which is thought over users will be delighted, and the wide audience will allow involving a huge number of players that will favorably affect the project. According to statements of developers Russia was included in the list of distribution of a game. Having successfully purchased Property, you can sell even more successfully it, and also, earn from it using advertising. The team in the subject AR/VR, not the first year that in total can shoot and the project will become a global startup.

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I'm following the project, I'm thinking of investing in it.

And I'm waiting for the project to be launched, I want to occupy buildings around me, I'll rent out for advertising.