in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Cashflow is inarguably the backbone of any businesses. And to meet daily business obligations such as running expenses and other overheads, it is crucial that there is a sufficient and regular inflow of cash. However, when certain businesses cash inflow largely depends on getting paid after the performance of a task and presentation of relevant invoices, the sustenance of such companies hangs in the balance except the business owners seeks financing to keep the business running until the invoices undergoing processing finally clears.
This arrangement creates a lot of hassles for many businesses as they struggle to meet the weekly or monthly financial obligations, regardless of the pending invoice clearance. To provide succour and respite for firms in this category, Invox takes centre stage.


Invox Finance is an innovation created to run on the cutting-edge technology of Blockchain. It is a platform that simplifies the invoice financing. The invoice financing principle is a common practice in the USA, UK, and Europe including Australia and some parts of Asia. However, traditional this concept is plagued and inhibited by the lack of transparency.
Invox Finance aims to eliminate this inhibition by creating a decentralized peer-to-peer invoice lending platform that enables investors, sellers, buyers, and other service providers to meet, connect, discuss, share and exchange information. The platform is designed to run on the Blockchain technology to overcome all the challenges undermining the efficiency of the traditional invoice financing.


Invoice Financing is the process by which businesses sell off their invoices to investors or financers at a discounted price. Invoice Financing involves three separate entities-businesses, customers, and financers. The financers buy businesses’ invoices from businesses with immediate payment and collect the amount of the invoices from the customers at the expiration of the credit period.


Creating a responsive platform that will serve as a hub for all stakeholders in the invoice financing concept, the traditional invoice financing paved the way for the modern practice that is void of secrecy, manipulation and other activities that encumbered the principle.
Invox Finance is distinguished for its problem-solving approach by running a Blockchain. Invox intends to overcome the current challenges by leveraging on the Blockchain. Here are the main strong points of Invox:

  1. Decentralized and Public Ledger
    Due to the decentralization of the Blockchain platform, there is no central authority, and all stakeholders have equal degrees of access and control. The decentralized and public nature of Invox Finance ledgers accounts for its suitability for invoicing financing.
    All the market players can see payments’ statutes and update them in the real-time. And since there is no centralization, there is no manipulation of data as no party can alter the current status but by the approval of all the parties involved.

  2. Individualism and Risk Reduction
    The Invox Finance makes the diversification of funds possible as investors can buy off a portion percentage or chunk of the total invoice. Conversely, individual investors can buy a portion of an invoice.
    Besides, it is possible for a customer to invest in fragments of different invoices. This is diversification of investment for effective risk management to reduce possible risks.


The Invox Tokens are created on a public ledger using the ERC-20 standard providing:
a. access to the Invox Finance platform for the sellers to benefits from invoice financing
b. reward offered by the Invox platform to seller and buyers holding the Invox Tokens for verification and payment of invoices.

The Invox Token is the only means of payment on the Invox Finance platform, and the Invox Tokens can be invested into by taking part in its ICO. For more information

Visit the website, twitter and Facebook pages to learn more about Invox

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Can I invite my friend to invest

Sure you can

Its possible

Is ETH the only cryptocurrency to invest with?

Well stated, hope i can still invest??

Please how safe will my investment be if I choose to go with Invoxfinance?