Sgame Pro ICO Review

in ico •  7 years ago 

sgamepro ico.png

Gaming and cryptocurrency is not a new combination and clearly nor is mining cryptocurrency either. So, from that perspective, Sgame Pro is hardly a unique proposition that will be making you leap off your seats astounded at this completely new and amazing blockchain opportunity. However, even though that was a touch sarcastic, and is a sign of how difficult it is now for a unique product or service to appear, there is still a need for us to examine what this product is able to offer us and to see if it is worth an investment.

What is Sgame Pro?

So, as we said at the outset, the new platform combines gaming with mining and the blockchain and it does this via a specially created mobile game aggregator. They state that this will then allow individuals to also mine tokens at the same time with it also meaning that they are in a position to earn some real cash while they do so.

Clearly, this is something that could become rather popular in a short period of time, and when you include the fact that they state you can do this while playing some of the most popular games around, then the draw is going to be even more powerful.

The thing to remember about this market is that it is absolutely huge. We are talking about a serious sum of money and yet people pay for all kinds of things or companies are charged for advertising within the apps and games themselves. The idea of turning it around somewhat to then allow individuals to earn something in return for playing those games is pretty cool but we do still need to understand how it is all going to work.

The Technical Aspect of Sgame Pro

The project itself is built on the Ethereum blockchain providing you that sense of stability and security that is generally needed when you are trying to run any serious project. Also, this blockchain will make it substantially easier to scale things up should their project really take off, which is always good to hear.

By logging onto their platform, it then allows a smart contract to be created that links certain rewards with doing various things with the games. The fact that we are also not talking about those generic games is an added bonus as well since that would be more likely to make people walk away from the app rather than fully indulge in it.

Basically, a player will earn credits via the platform if they follow the suggestions and recommendations of the app. These credits are in the form of tokens which have a monetary value and can then be exchanged into real cash for them. If you think that people would struggle to take to this idea, then perhaps the way in which they have linked up with the biggest YouTube star in PewDiePie will make a difference to you.

Finally, their token is an ERC20 token which means any Ethereum based wallet can take advantage of it, which could then open up additional users.

The Advantages of Sgame Pro

The advantage of the new platform is the way in which people can still play the games they like and yet they are rewarded in more ways than just the fun aspect. The way in which you just have to log into the app after joining the platform means that it is exceptionally easy for anybody to get started, so even a novice gamer with limited blockchain experience is going to see that they can join immediately.

The Financial Aspect and the ICO

So, from the financial side of things then we can see that they are only going to accept ETH when it comes to their ICO. This in itself is not a problem and nor is it unusual even though it does then limit things somewhat. You are also going to be restricted from taking part if you are in the United States but that is also something that is relatively common.

There are relatively few details when it comes to the ICO aside from the number of tokens that are going to be made available. There is no real mention of a soft or hard cap, which is unusual, and no minimum investment either, but then it is also difficult to find any notion of an exchange rate during the ICO period either.

However, we do know that there are 350 million tokens, and 194 million will be made available during the ICO. This equates to 55% of the total created with the rest being given as bonuses, kept for the company and also the a pre-ICO sale.

Overall Conclusion About Sgame Pro and the ICO

So, what can we say about the project in the way of a conclusion? Well, the concept is clearly going to be popular as the mobile gaming market is growing on a continual basis, so there should be enough scope for something to happen with the blockchain. They need to be able to show that people are indeed able to earn money from their platform and that they do pay since this will increase confidence in what they do.

Basically, this has potentia. This is the kind of possible investment that requires some extra thought before you press ahead and weigh up the positives and negatives before making your decision. Mobile gaming is only going to grow stronger and stronger, and perhaps this new platform can become a market leader on the blockchain, but only time will tell.;u=1153986

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ICO's keep raining in this crypto world.
Hope this has some way to go

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment