Getting on the Bandwagon
Although I don't like to admit that like many others in the crypto world these days, I am jumping onto the ICO bandwagon, I am.
The reason I am is that lately, I've been spending the time to educate myself on the underlying value proposition for some of these ICOs and I see that the technology and the solutions being presented are FREAKING amazing (that is my professional opinion as a technology consultant).
Once I started spending the time to understand, I have been fortunate to make some decent profits (if i had a humble brag image I would insert it here). Joking aside, here is one that has gotten my attention lately.
1. LH Crypto
In a nutshell, this company is enhancing their existing FOREX platform to also deal with Cryptocurrencies. So what?, you might be asking. Well here are a few key points that distinguish this ICO:
- This is an already established and successful company expanding their specialized services (rather than trying to do something they are not familiar with or dreaming of pies in the sky.
- There is a ton of media out there on them... from reputable sources in the crypto world.
- The team/roster is impressive and full of people that are well known in their area of expertise.
- The way these tokens will work is that token holders will earn dividend (its a little more complicated than that, but I am "nutshelling" it).
These are just some of the reason's I have to be excited about this one. I look forward to reading folk's comments and thoughts on this. Also, please feel free to share any exciting ICOs with me.