LH CRYPTO is a solution to consolidate forex platform between FIAT and CYRPTO currencies brought by Larson&Holz Group .
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larson%26Holz - Who are they (Larson&Holz)
Apart from that, the LH crypto will eliminate transaction fees and regulation fees from banks for traders\investors.
The project is already obtained around $5M crowd funds during pre-invest and round 1 to round 3 phase. Currently we are at final stage of ICO which will end on 31st Dec 2017.
Price is at $0.15 cents and this is not a lending ICO platform. The investor will be rewarded by CASH BACK program.
Basically Cash Back Program is a business model which will turns 6% of Banks Transaction fees to a benefits pools thus allocate towards ICO investors.
More details is at my video:
LH Crypto Web - https://lh-crypto.io/?referral=a8297c00-eb16-4849-b1af-a335a41acc56