How do you trust a product? How do you really calculate the value of the product? The exchange of different values has given birth to the traditional currency system. But, soon it became a centralised system, and external agents became the master of the transactions. People accepted the system, although it had many flaws. We are in the world of a banking system, which are top managers of our financial system. The process has become a complex web of intermediaries who are ready to have their share from your pocket.
The cryptocurrency is the buzzword of the town and it has found immense acceptance in the public. They have found an innovative system to manage their transactions. Its growth is phenomenal making everyone wonder. What I think makes it unique is that it gives the power of the currency back to the people. They are empowered. The traditional system is still strong and powerful. The lack of range of financial products for the cryptocurrency is a serious concern.
Cryptocurrency has to create multi-range financial products if it wishes to expand further. The traditional banks have not been participating in the crypto market due to lack of ownership, and nature of Cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency is vastly different from the traditional currency. Lack of securitisation for the digital assets is one of many reasons for the minuscule participation from the Banks.
Anyone got the solution to bring these two vastly different world at some meeting point. Well, Let's say many are trying to do that, but a few have an innovative solution which aims to satisfy both the worlds. CYBERTRUST presents an exclusive solution for the traditional markets to profit from the mind-blowing growth of the cryptocurrency market.
They will store all the crypto assets in ex-nuclear Bunker in Switzerland. This will solve all the major hurdles in the way of cryptocurrency, such as Tax compliance, regulatory requirement etc. Nothing is left to be afraid off for institutional investors, because if they can save your assets from nuclear missile then they can secure it from anyone. It's time to jump on their back.
We will need such platforms which provide us best of both the worlds. The product range of the traditional system can lead to the entire new world for the cryptocurrencies. The regulatory framework in a different country can be a troubling factor but we know that everyone needs security. They need entitlement for the currency like they have in the traditional system.
The Concept presented by the CYBERTRUST is Special in its treatment with the concept of security. I think it is a great idea. Who would not want to have the security of ex-nuclear bunker for their assets? Let's throw our assets into the Bunker.
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Published By: Kishan