Smart Media Token Powered By Steem Pays You To Watch Porn

in ico •  7 years ago 

Porn viewers may not be getting laid but they soon will be getting paid Smart Media Tokens built on the Steem blockchain.


I got a Google Alert today that notifies me of any recently published news containing the word Steemit.


There was an article posted today on that said;

Penthouse Adopts Blockchain.

I took the click bait and read this story about a new ICO coin called VICE launching Jan. 3, 2018 that will reward viewers for watching, producers for creating, and curators for curating porn.

In a Vice transaction, the viewer earns tokens for watching, the producer earns tokens for creating content and the content curator earns tokens for identifying relevant content for the viewer. Source



Could this revenue model shift to a site like NetFlix and monetize viewing movies or mainstream broadcasts?

Imagine NetFlix running on a blockchain generating its own token and instead of charging a subscription it operated on a percentage of the daily tokens generated, the rest being rewarded to the producers and the viewers.

The more movies you watch the more you earn.

Are we headed for a future when couch potatoes can make a full time income sitting on their ass? It sounds too good to be true but the porn industry thinks so and is going for the money shot. says they have the platform ready to go and expect to raise $25-50 million with their launch Jan 3rd. That remains to be seen, but what they do have is a huge audience in the 100's of millions visiting their sites. Imagine if they started getting paid.

I may have to buy a few of those coins before the pump and dump (no pun intended).

To read the full story see Penthouse Blockchain Traffic Revenue/ --- by Daniel the editor-in-chief at


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I think steem price will rise with this news :)

No doubt at all brother :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

People are going to watch porn regardless. Now they no longer have to pay member monthly fees, plus the "tube" sites typically have horrible quality videos and the high quality videos can only be seen via an "upsell" to a monthly fee based program. Based on the producer partners listed on the site, companies like Penthouse, Elegant Angel, etc. shows this will be all high end high quality HD content available for free. So from a traffic perspective, porn viewers will now get premium subscription based content for free.... and make some money while viewing. For the Steem people, the value of the currency drives up based on the volume of traffic driven by Vice along with the Steem tokens Vice stores to back its own coin. Win win for everyone.

It's going to be interesting to see what effect, if any, it will have on the price of Steem. I believe it will help the price of Steem but what and how much is anyone's guess.

dude this is crazy. So, I still don't quite get it, If companies like vice start using SMT's and vice-coin goes up in value are they effectively getting a larger share of the current steem thats being created? IS that how it works? And will that increase the value of steem? I mean.... porn is HUGE on the internet right, so presumably there is a chance that if this is successful, then a HUGE portion of steem will become allocated to the porn industry. Which may be great for the price of steem but maybe not so good for other community based steem initiatives? But then I guess maybe thats kind of inevitable.... I don't know. WHAT IS THE FUTURE!!??

The way I understand it they are launching their own coin called Vice Media Token. To do so they will be buying Steem and holding it. Steem acts as the reserve currency backing up their token. So that means that, the group of websites launching the token will have to buy and hold Steem to do that. They will not be selling Steem on their sites though, instead, they will be selling their new coin, Vice.

From their viewers perspective, they will not know it's backed by Steem. This not only creates a demand for Steem but because the site will have to hold it in reserve it takes Steem out of circulation making it more scarce. More scarcity and more demand usually increases the price of things.

From the perspective of the user of their websites though they will have no idea the VICE coin is backed by Steem.

if vice coin shoots up, without a doubt it would make steem a lot more valuable. without getting too technical its because something like this that ether went from being a few dollars to 450 as I'm typing this reply... a bunch of ICO's are built on ether.

holy criddlesworth, that is super exciting (In a gold-rush, porn-apocalypse sort of sense)

Well I got a buzz from this news. We have to accept that porn is one of the big money makers online. They have been early adopters with various technology. I hope it's not the only industry that goes for SMT

I think this is just the beginning. I see cable networks, independent filmmakers, and eventually mainstream media jumping on board. Mark my words. I can remember imagining NetFlix before long before Blockbuster was even a thing and my friends thought I was crazy then, but here we are. Eventually, people will stop paying for entertainment and start getting paid to consume it.

I feel like most Javascript demanding websites already mine cryptocurrencies with their crowd's computers.
If one tried to find a comfort in it, it could be argued that at least now they will partially pay for it.
Then I think again and I think that it might increase this stealth mining even more.
Whatever viewers will gain, they will pay for it in their electricity bills, increased hardware wear and wasted time.
I am all for porn, but I prefer overt popups over covert mining.

I heard about sites that covertly mine crypto using peoples' computing power when they visit their sites. That's so insidious.

2.72% @pushup from @stimialiti

Just when I thought there was no more good news left in 2017! This will hopefully significantly increase traffic on the Steem network too :P

Wanker will become a full time job now

LOL! Thanks for injecting humor into this. I must confess, I am a little sad to see the steem tokens diving for the gutter as fast as they can, but not at all surprised.


It was bound to happen. Now I am actually surprised it has not happened yet!

I think it could change the way we view television. Using the same revenue model for primetime television broadcasts rewarding the viewer for watching. If this caught on it would change the way media is delivered.

I wonder if the Neilson company is jumping on that.

That could be a very bad thing if not handled correctly. I can see top networks paying more for the shows they want everyone to watch, while low budget productions fall to the curb...

Networks will pay for what sells. SMT's can fund movies these days.

I met Doug Karr from Pie Face Pictures at Steemfest and he did a presentation of a 10 episode miniseries called Hardfork that he's producing funded in part by Steemians on the platform. He's even sourcing some of the screenplay writing and soundtrack from users on the platform.

Someone asked him a good question during the Q and A.

Q Since you're obviously successful at acquiring traditional sources of funding for your film projects, what advantages do you gain by looking to crowdsource funding on the Steem blockchain?

A Verifiable viewers. By having an active, an involved, and invested audience it makes it easier to close the deal through traditional funding sources. We can guarantee and verify a large number of viewers to an investor and through a direct line of communication with that audience, we can shape the story to what they want to watch. Because the audience is invested in the production and shaping of the film they become very loyal viewers which is what any producer wants.

This is my dream job.

Sounds amazing...
What is your profession?
-Well I am a professional full time wanker.

As I read the news, they build something on their own... Is there any further clue / proof / information if they really will be using Steem as basis?


The only evidence that I see that it is backed by Steem is right on the homepage of their website.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanks luzcypher for this news, this better happen on Instagram and youtube too, but they are still using people... and as well as you said, TV, if tv pay people for spending their time on it, it will be better too. I know they are coach potato LOL but they deserve something haha

It would change things

SMT, the smut coin...
I can see this being a big money maker for somebody, but I'm not sure who. I'm guessing the largest portion of the rewards will be going to the producers, not the watchers. I guess that's how it always works.

Smut coin. That's funny. The new coin is actually called VICE and accourding to the article

Vice’s new model for the adult industry has been developed at a time when 62% of revenues generated in the adult industry come from traffic, with only 24% of that figure being made up by content. Vice aims to solve this monetisation issue by establishing a traffic programme that will capture traffic, use it to create tokens and then distribute them back to viewers, curators and programmers.

I was Shocked probably :D

There will be some new millionaires out there.

I think thats true, but I also think this benefits a lot of different cross sectors of Vice users. Premium Member and Tube Websites generate over 1 Billion page views per day. The drawback for them is Premium paysites charge a monthly fee and tube sites are packed with malware, tracking software and mainly grainy poor quality videos. So if Vice can garner a chunk of those daily page views and pack them with high end premium FREE content from top producers like Elegant Angel, Penthouse etc, then you have traffic and happy viewers. Everyone wins, this is an amazing formula and we are watching it take shape. This is probably going to be bigger than many of us think.

I think it's the first step in transforming how we view content and how sites will monetize. I see a future when people will get paid in crypto for watching video content of all types, not just porn.

That seems too good to be true, right? Free probably seems fair enough, but why would it make sense for someone to pay you to watch videos?

Here’s why things are different now. There are countless websites and other sources for you to watch videos at no cost. What they all have in common is that they’re free, and they want you to watch them so that they can earn ad revenue. There’s just one problem; you can only watch one video at a time. As in, if there are 5,000 websites which show videos that you would want to watch, and you can only watch one at a time, what’s going to make you choose one website over another?

This demonstrates the concept of the attention economy. That is, human attention is a rare and scarce commodity. The fact that you’re reading this article specifically, and not the millions of others on the internet is living proof of that. There are countless things for you to give your attention to, but only one thing that you will give it to at any given time. Your attention is valuable, and Vice recognizes that by building a technology where you get paid just to watch videos.

Millionaire Wankers, just what the world needs.

Or how about?

Millionaire Wankers - Get a load of these guys

Nice post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


I see you are new here. Welcome to Steemit.
Asking people to follow you on Steemit is not the right approach to having a successful account.
It is much better to create good content so they want to follow you.
This may help and I also suggest you read Steemit etiquette before you hurt your reputation.

There are a lot of people new to Steemit that think having a lot of followers is the path to making money here but not if you ask people to follow you to follow them.

Still don't believe me? Then read this

Thanks For your very kind information.

Forgive me. My comment was meant for someone else. My mistake.

They just added their WHITEPAPERS, its' an amazing read. This is going to change everything, traffic+content=shared revenues.

They changed their website, didnt they? It doesnt say "runs on the Steem Blockchain" anymore. And as far as i can see, their Ico will be on Ethereums Blockchain. So are they still going to use Steem for their project?

giphy (15).gif

Well on the bright side, the sales of vaseline and tissue will also
Being a curator/consumer there won't be that bad afterall...Now I am laughing hard

LOL. I guess if the price of Vice does go up early investors are going to be stroked, I mean stoked.

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

Crazy Idea but NICE!