We suspect the free-for-all in ICO issuance will be dealt with no differently, at least by jurisdictions that are serious about enforcing securities laws properly, as opposed to those (we shan’t mention any specific names) who see this as a novel opportunity to reassert their dominance and comparative advantage in the bearer asset, banking secrecy and offshore banking circumnavigation industry. All we will say is that terms such as “cryptovalley” should be perceived as a clue as to how jurisdictions stand on this front, as too should their state-level treatment of crypto “pioneers” such as Vitalik Buterin. A lot can also be deduced from the obsessive degree that some jurisdictions use the excuse of having to be “financial innovation” friendly to justify inaction.
Read More Here: https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2017/09/04/2193212/dont-be-fooled-the-authorities-are-coming-after-icos/