in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)

Website: https://iov.one
Token Type:
ERC 20 issued, to be converted to IOV Token on own chain
at end 2018
Token Supply:
Hard Cap:
25,000,000 EUR
39 pages (slides)

Token Distribution:

Project Summary:

  • Blockchain Name Service and communication protocol similar to
    today's DNS

  • Implemented via IOV wallet

  • Wallet

    • Atomic swap functionality

    • Implements Blockchain Communication Protocol (BCP)

    • 1 BCP address can resolve to multiple addresses on different

    • Provide one touch ICO solution on their platform

    • ICOs on IOV platform will be BCP compatible

  • SDK will be made for BCP compliant deployment on different chains

  • IOV Chain

    • Proof of Stake consensus, possible using Tendermint engine
  • Token

    • For staking and fees

    • Fees paid in tokens for changes in definitions

      • Defining BNS

      • Resolving

      • Defining the compliant ICOS


  • Pros

    • Creating a new protocol is always a plus

    • SDK to create BCP compliant ICOs should increase adoption

    • 65% of total supply being sold

  • Cons

    • Existing ENS infrastructure lacks adoption

    • Many other wallets already exist

      • Shapeshift integration will support more swaps vs atomic

      • It should not be too hard for existing wallets to implement
        support for a similar protocol

General Thoughts:

Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) has existed for a long time without the
need of an ICO. It is also safe to conclude that the adoption rate of
ENS is extremely low with most, if not all exchanges still asking users
for their 42 character Ethereum address. A real test of adoption will be
whether the IOV ICO uses ENS instead of the 42 character Ethereum
address for contribution.

The main catalyst for projects of this nature will be support from major
exchanges and we should be on the lookout for such partnerships to
better judge the adoption rate of BCP.

However, one should note that it shouldn't be too complicated to
bootstrap the existing ENS infrastructure to produce a product similar
to this. In short, there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

That being said, implementation across chains should be possible as it
is a mere fact of tagging a name to an address, similar to today's DNS.
It should also be interesting to see if sub-domains such as
"eth*silver*condor" and "btc*silver*condor" can be implemented.

To conclude, IOV has a noble goal but with a low adoption rate of an
existing infrastructure (ENS), it is hard to rate this project highly.
However, their proposed solution of a wallet and BCP compliant ICOs
might just be the missing piece of the puzzle for traction to be gained.

Rating: 6/10

Feel free to leave a comment on which projects interest you as I would
like to have a look at it too! They need not be ICOs!

Disclaimer: This is not investing advice and simply my personal
and opinions. I am not liable for any decisions made from this post. I
am also not affiliated with any investment or advisory firms and do not
engage in activity with such entities.

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