in ico •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've been asked every day for the last two weeks, what do you think of 'X ICO'? It's driving me mad!

Back in June there were so many ICO's coming out every day... but only few lasted. I have the same feeling this will happen again. Nevertheless, when a new one hits the wire, a group of people jump on it believing it will be the next x10-100 gainer.

In this video I go through what you need to do to ensure an ICO has substance rather than just pure hype. I also talk about how to protect yourself against hackers looking to rinse your wallets of all the tokens you hold!

I hope this blog has helped you with approaching ICOs and motivated you to keep a balance portfolio incase the ICO you invest in ends up burning you! Please comment and let me know what you think, and I will do my best to respond to each comment!

Lots of love,


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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey suppoman,
Thanks for sharing

what it bitcoin, can we get money for them

Bitcoin, if I read an article about bitcoin, in my mind is always born thinking like this "Can I earn income from Bitcoin?" But how, from where and when ???. Often I read an article about bitcoin but I do not know how to get it, even I myself once shared an article about bitcoin which I myself have not been able to adjust to the bitcoin. At a glance about bitcoin I know that bitcoin is a new payment system and money is completely digital and can be termed like cash in the internet world. And who knows who invented or created bitcoin itself, this is my inner question, and concentrate for a moment my thinking time and time again who is controlling this bitcoin ??? And how does the bitcoin work, whether from a computer or hp application? And is this bitcoin a lot of people use as payment of goods or services ?. I continue to explore the meaning of this bitcoin, somehow I continue to try to plunge into this bitcoin world. Your article adds my new insights on how I get the bitcoin and thank you.

Hey @Suppoman, thank you for new video! :-)

@suppoman Hey , glafd to see you bloging in steemit
it will be huge :)

Nice Video :)!!!
I am also sick of looking to ICO's that just look the same...

Dtube is an awesome concept. Very early in development but geat concept. I dont imagine it wil take very long for this to sync with steemit flawlessy.
As for the ICO's, I think if someone is willing to spend the time and research whats actually happening behind what just gets posted as headlines, ICO's could be a potential big winner, as long as like you say they have some sort of tangible "something" that someone can use!
I sure know of one ICO thats done Stellar for me!!!!

thanks suppoman ,you are the best

I'm considering investing in some ICOs. I don't know which ones yet, but I know I have do to research. I don't want to invest in scams or future failing cryptos, I want to invest in solid projects.

From my point of view, it's safer to put money on a project with a real purpose and an existing proof of concept. If a project has no real utility and no POC, you'd better avoid it...