I'm launching my own ICO FTRUMP Tokens at Midnight (Central Standard Time) Tonight!
I'm excited, and nervous.
What I didn't expect was the revelations I would have!
I'd like to share this one with everyone. I feel it is important to tell the community before investing in FTRUMP what my thoughts and motives are.
ICO's can/could be/maybe have been completely corrupt.
Upon creating my own ICO and running through thought experiments like what happens if I don't raise enough ethereum? How do I get more people to invest during the two week period?
- Use invested ETH to purchase banner ad on Coinmarketcap.com before ICO is complete.
a. Answer : NO
b. Reason: I need a large amount of those funds to hire a person or people to help with the project. To increase its value - I could pool my Ethereum together and invest in FTRUMP during the ICO.
a. Answer : NO
b. Reason ; I would get free FTRUMP tokens and artificially inflate the price. I want the free market to decide its value.
Here's a YouTube video I made about it with further thoughts on this subject.