ArcBlock. Bounty Campaign.

in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)



At one time Bitcoin technology laid the basic model of creation decentralized proposals, containing in it peer-to-peer technologies, data encryption when registering transactions, and a model with limited resources. Today on this basis is being formed a new model of creating effective and scalable applications which will be reliable, transparent and more flexible than modern software developed using traditional models.

In order to make decentralized applications available to ordinary users, it's necessary to solve some problems. Here are some of them.

  • Poor performance.
    Increasing the speed of transaction processing is one of the main tasks in the development of blockchain technology.

  • Complexity for ordinary users.
    Simple, understandable, easy-to-use and completely transparent - such should be the blockchain applications to become available to ordinary consumers and to attract more of them.

  • High payment for the use of blockchain technology.
    The decision will be creating a free platform for users, and for developers - the possibility of creating and monetizing valuable services.

  • Platform lock-in.
    Having solved this problem applications can work on several block chains.

Thanks to a new modern and complex solution the ArcBlock platform which combines blockchain technology with Cloud Computing easily solves these problems.

ArcBlock is the world's first blockchain ecosystem to create and deploy decentralized applications. This is a new step in the development and expansion of blockchain technology.

ArcBlock uses the Open Chain Access Protocol which allows you to work with any blockchain. This makes easier work for developers who have the opportunity to switch between blockchain protocols as well as evaluate them. Applications can function on multiple blockchains which solves the problem of platform lock-in.

Another newest component is Blocklet - a protocol for launching various types of applications. Its integration is possible in any platform and in any language. Advantages of the Blocklet protocol are high performance using the capacity of this platform as well as technology without the use of servers.


Blocklet can use anyone who wants to create services and components for contributing them under the incentive system. Community members can receive tokens when any user employs their contributions.

The main objective and the main task which is set by the ArcBlock team is the creation of a scalable and easy-to-use platform for adopting a blockchain technology among the broad masses. On the first place among the basic principles of ArcBlock is the user experience.

Advantages of the ArcBlock platform:


  • This is a self-evolving ecosystem. It is built on the token economy and will stimulate the community to build and improve it.

  • Easy and convenient access.
    For users: the familiar process of downloading mobile applications from the app store or access to them in a web browser without additional plug-ins.

For developers: there is no need to run local blockchain test nodes to create and test applications using the ArcBlock mock blockchain adapters.

  • ArcBlock can be started from the cloud.
    This is one of the main distinctive advantages of ArcBlock.

  • ArcBlock is created using an open standard.
    The development took into account the experience and proven methodology of previous projects taking into account the needs of developers.

The ArcBlock platform ecosystem services the ABT token. Its appointments may be different but the main is the fee for using the ArcBlock system. Unlike other blockchains (Ethereum or Bitcoin) users don't need to pay the cost of each transaction, application providers do it for them.

In turn, users who provide their services and resources will receive tokens as rewards. This is precisely the self-evolving of the platform.

Also on the ArcBlock platform is built its own decentralized application blockchain ArcBlock Marketplace which is used as a market for listing, evaluation, and retrieval of reusable components. This and other information such as the reputation of developers, the quality of components and others is contained in the public ledger for easy access and transparency.

The ArcBlock team:

Robert Mao - CEO/Chief Architect
Flavien Charlon - Chief Scientist
Jean Chen - VP of Marketing
Joe Wallin - Legal Counsel

As well as consultants and investors among whom Justin Tomboulian - VP of LiquidHub CIO of Microsoft Japan and Violin Wang - COO & Co-Founder of Krypital Group Advisor of Cybermiles.

Among the partners of ArcBlock are such well-known companies as:

  • The Linux Foundation
  • Hyperledger
  • W3C blockchain Community Group
  • IEEE Blockchain Community Group
  • Guojin Angel
  • Roaming Capital
  • Krypital Group
  • CyberMiles

Hardcap - 37500 ETH+ 6M CMT (Cybermiles Token)
1 ETH = 2052 ABT
Max Private sale - 25000 ETH
Start - Jan 12, 2018

Public sale - 12500 ETH + 6M CMT
1 ETH = 1900 ABT
Start - Feb 3, 2018

All tokens sold will be distributed within 4 weeks after the end of the public sale.

To date support in social networks is in Telegrams - almost 8000 participants, in Twitter - more than 2500 participants, in Facebook - more than 1600.

Also, there is an official bounty program.


Signature campaign and referral program - 23%
Content (blogs and media publications) - 16%
Twitter - 14%
Reddit - 8%
Translation campaign - 7%
Facebook - 14%
Instagram - 8%
LinkedIn - 8%
Moderation Bounty - 2%




Newbie: 10 stakes
Jr.Member: 40 stakes
Member: 80 stakes
Full Member: 150 stakes
Sr.Member: 250 stakes
Hero/Legendary: 400 stakes

+Avatar additional stakes:
Member: 50 stakes
Full Member: 80 stakes
Sr.Member: 120 stakes
Hero/Legendary: 180 stakes


  • Min 10 constructive posts per week.
  • Bonus 20% for 15 quality posts in a week.
  • Bonus 10% for 2 quality replies on the ANN thread/bounty program thread in a week.
  • Min 50 words in a post or more and 20 words in replies.
  • All posts must be made in:
    -- Bitcoin (Discussion, Development & Technical Discussion, Mining/Technical Support, Project Development);
    -- Economy (Economics, Marketplace, Trading discussion);
    -- Alternate cryptocurrencies (Altcoin Discussion, Announcements (Altcoins), Mining (Altcoins), Marketplace (Altcoins), Speculation (Altcoins);
    -- Local (all languages are welcome but please provide an English brief of the post for the Arcblock team to review).

Codes of signatures and Avatar: here




For the invitation of Bitcointalk users to join the bonus program:
2-4 people: 50 stakes
5-7 people: 100 stakes
8+ people: 150 stakes

Invite Hero/Legendary member - 60/120 stakes


  • The referee must do the contribution and earn stakes as well.
  • Remind people you invite to fill in your Bitcointalk username when they filling the form.



Normal quality: 100 stakes
Good quality: 250 stakes
High quality: 450 stakes

Extra bonus depending on the traffic, number of views or number of followers:

20 – 200 views: 50 stakes
200 – 800 views: 150 stakes
800+ views: 250 stakes


20 – 100 visitors/followers: 50 stakes
100 – 400 visitors/followers: 150 stakes
400+ visitors/followers: 250 stakes


  • Follow the official Medium.
  • Produce quality Articles, Blogs, YouTube videos.
  • Your content must be original.
  • An article must have min 700 words.
  • A video should be more than 1 minute.
  • Add links to the official Website, ANN thread or White Paper, and your Bitcointalk profile (in the bottom of your article) in your content.




500 – 2000 followers: 20 stakes
2000 – 4000 followers: 40 stakes
4000 – 7000 followers: 80 stakes
7000+ followers: 140 stakes


  • Follow the official Twitter.
  • Min 500 Twitter followers.
  • You need to make at least 1 tweet, 4 retweets and 1 pinned tweet each week.
  • Retweet tweets not older than 2 weeks.
  • You must create posts with hashtag # Arcblock that consist of 100 characters and more.
  • Don't remove tweets/retweets from your personal Twitter until the end of the bounty campaign.
  • Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts are prohibited.




5 – 10 upvotes: 10 stakes per post/comment
10 – 16 upvotes: 20 stakes per post/comment
17 – 25 upvotes: 40 stakes per post/comment
26 – 40 upvotes: 70 stakes per post/comment
40+ upvotes: 110 stakes per post/comment


  • Upvote all the official ArcBlock page/posts and upvote at least one personal post in /r/arcblock each week– 10 stakes/week (your votes must be public in user profile).

  • Make comments about ArcBlock in the relevant subreddits for the ICO for example: /r/arcblock/,r/herocoin, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto etc. - 3 stakes/comment.


  • Follow the official Reddit
  • Your content must be original.
  • Min 2 post/5 comments per week.
  • Posts must contain 100 words or more/comments - 20 words or more.





Technical White Paper: 900 stakes
Ann Thread: 80 stakes
Bounty Thread: 80 stakes
YouTube video caption: 80 stakes


Technical White Paper: 250 stakes
Ann Thread: 30 stakes
Bounty Thread: 30 stakes
YouTube video caption: 30 stakes


  • Your translation must be original.
  • Using Internet Translators and spread spam are prohibited.
  • Only one translation at a time per person.
  • Translators can take 5 days to submit the translation.
  • Users without the experience of translation are not accepted.
  • The next languages are accepted for translation: Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, Romanian, French, German, Malaysian, Swedish, Hindi.




300 – 999 friends: 20 stakes
1000 – 1999 friends: 40 stakes
2000 – 2999 friends: 80 stakes
3000+ friends: 140 stakes


  • Follow and Like the official Facebook.
  • Min 300 Facebook friends. The number of friends must be public.
  • Min 2 post and 3 reposts each week.
  • Repost posts not older than two weeks.
  • You must create posts with hashtag # Arcblock that consist of 100 words and more.
  • Don't remove posts/reposts from your personal Facebook page until the end of the bounty campaign.
  • Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts are prohibited.




300 – 999 followers: 20 stakes
1000 – 1999 followers: 40 stakes
2000 – 2999 followers: 80 stakes
3000+ followers: 140 stakes


  • Follow the official Instagram.
  • Min 300 authentic followers. Your account must be public.
  • Min 3 post/reposts each week.
  • Repost posts not older than two weeks.
  • You must create posts with hashtag # Arcblock that consist of 100 words and more.
  • Don't remove posts/reposts from your personal Instagram page until the end of the bounty campaign.
  • Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts are prohibited.




300 – 999 followers: 20 stakes
1000 – 1999 followers: 40 stakes
2000 – 2999 followers: 80 stakes
3000+ followers: 140 stakes


  • Follow the official Linkedin.
  • Min 300 followers. Your account must be public.
  • Min 1 post and 4 reposts each week.
  • Repost posts not older than two weeks.
  • You must create posts with hashtag # Arcblock that consist of 100 words and more.
  • Don't remove posts/reposts from your personal Linkedin page until the end of the bounty campaign.
  • Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts are prohibited.




100 Stakes per week

  • extraordinary performance will get you some extra credit.


  • Join the ArcBlock Telegram and ArcBlock Bounty Telegram.
  • You must be active in group chat and add a creative content.
  • Invite other users to the Telegram channels.
  • Answering questions constantly in main Telegram ArcBlock Groupchat, ArcBlock in your own language group and Bounty program group.


Read more here.

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1158328

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