I just had a great idea!!! What you think?

in idea •  5 years ago  (edited)


I just smoked some good shit and came up with a great idea! You know how the Jews have their racist thug hate group known as the JDL (Jewish Defense League), who are actually registered as a terrorist group by the FBI by the way. I can start my own open carry gun club and call it the HDL (Hippie Defence League). And then go walk around wearing all rainbow shit with my AR-15 slung over my shoulder. Welcome to the NEW West Motha Fuckas!!!

Yes? No? Suicide Mission? Dipshit Democracy? Agent Provocateur? Bad Joke?

What do you think?

Your participation isn't required but greatly encouraged and appreciated.

Thank you!

Wait... What am I saying... I mean, WHO WANTS TO FUCKING JOIN ME!? YEEEEEE-HAW!!!!


Join the HDL, Hippie Defense League!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Keep your democracy off of my Sovereignty!

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg

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I'll come to that, once I have another motorcycle.
I got family over that way.

Cool! Maybe make it one year to Bikes Blues and BBQ.

I'd join if I lived close by!

COOL! Thank you! So far one person HA HA.

Can you smoke weed as publicly as you tote the AR15 there..

I would be more comfortable smoking weed publicly instead of toting the AR-15. I need to get comfortable open carrying with a pistol first before I break out the heavy artillery.

Nothing against the Jews or anybody really but this was just an idea I had for starting a militia. The intention is to NOT come off as a violent hate group but rather a hippie patriot group that is pro-gun and open carry's to piss off the libtards.

I didn't think there was any hate involved..

I am in but does it have to be such a big gun. Lol weed and topless a must!!!

Absolutely not! I support a woman's right to choose: ANY FUCKING GUN SHE WANTS!!!