Hi Steemians , I would like to introduce to you my Idol /RoleModel/Inspiration she is Glaiza de Castro she is a Filipina Actress and a Singer , I like her because she is very humble and down to earth she really inspire me with her music and most especially with her perceptions in life , she is a God-fearing person and family oriented , what I like her most is her dedication towards her work which motivate me to do the same thing , I started to love her since when I was 13 in her Amaya Days together with Marian Rivera , I was captivated by her beauty and kindness.
This photo was taken at the airport we waited for her to land at the airport ohhhh shes worth the wait ahhhh shes just so kind and all.
I asked for a selfie and then she said sureee ohhh goshhh when my hair touches hers goshhhh I didnt slept for like 1 day , I was starstrucked
As she always say "Dreams Never End" she makes me believe that dreams never really end and thats true because my dream towards her really lived , cos I always believe that nothing is Impossible , even the word itself says Im possible , A photo with her handling her Synthesis Album
Together in the stage after performing her songs , her songs always touches my heart she really sings whole heartedly
Glaiza , I love you Thanks for Inspiring me!