The Boule secret Society of the Black Elite, the Twin to Skull and Bones

in illuminati •  5 years ago 

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Facebook Frames the Boule Secret Society the twin to Skull and Bones.

Coming back to finish this. Will drop the video from Edge of Wonder by Rob and Ben where they interviewed Larry Gaiters. He has years of research and travel under his belt. Amazing to listen to!

Here is part of the break down and transcript. Will be back to finish and put this into a Facebook Frames hopefully soon!

Here is the video link from one of my great followers, Stormy Birdsong Thank you!

Key information from one of the Greats on this topic and many historical topics.

He has studying Real History for over 40 years of meticulous, detailed research involving chronology, continents, dates, times all being tied into the Boule Secret Society and Skull and Bones.
for 25 of those years he has been on a nationally syndicated radio talk show host.

He is a historian, researcher, teacher and he says it has taken Decades to assimilate this kind of knowledge. He has traveled to over 100 nations all over the world for the past 37 years.

He has been to the Vatican, it's library, London, England, Oxford, various Universities and institutions with their libraries in order to research and Seek the Truth!

He says 95% of what he is teaching us is Not taught on this level here in America. ..I can Back that Up and I know Many others can also including #anons, #GuardiansOfChildren and other slayers of the Darkness in pursuit of the #GreatAwakening!

He says some out there are teaching at a certain level, but not at this higher dimensionality as far as the Greatest Cover-up of Human History. He reminds about a verse that all the Greats like Quayle, Shipp and others have referred to. . .

Hosea 4:6
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

Truth. . .and don't forget,
Matthew 7:7
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

He says straight out, Most do Not want to take the time to do this level of work. The average person does not want to deal with it. He says they spend too much of their time caught up in what famous people are doing after they feel worn down. He is right, seen it with my own eyes. At the same time I am Grateful for those who Do care, are committed and take the time to seek truth and #FightTheGoodFight

He considers himself a divine contract killer. assassin anointed by God to decapitate the system of lucifer. That is the Best way to describe out.

He reminds that in the manner David decapitated the Giant. . .David comes from the Hasidic Hebrew word Dassom . . .

Remember, there is not one language or dialect of Hebrew. Over 300 dialects.

Dassom backwards is Mossad which means to decapitate.
He is sent to decapitate their Sick system.

Never forget what the White Hats have told us. . .#ThesePeopleAreSick

Let's start with some background of why he tells his black brothers and sisters Not to call themselves African Americans nor Negroes.

Let's start with Africa

Boule Secret Society consisted of black men and consists of 9 black families today.

They’re the caretakers and Guardians of the Order.

The greatest global cover up in human history

Rockeller chose 9 black men and included Dr. Henry McKee Minton and Dr. William E.B. Du Bois
Larry Gaiters on Edge of Wonder with Rob and Ben

Now with 40% of our gross domestic product depending on the legal and illegal drug trade. . .they controllers needed to select people who could help them.

Boule meansProtectors of the Order.

Gatiers states, there’s a term they use in the black community called the “crab barrel” which consists of a global system of those black men and women of color called African Diaspora.

He states African Americans should stop calling themselves that term as Africa was not the Original name of the continent.

It came from a Roman Soldier named Scipio Africans, who defeated Hannibal in Carthage (present day Libya) and changed the name of the continent from Alkebulan, which means Eden, to Africans (Africa today).

Gaiter states that we have all been sold a lie for the at least the last 500 years.

According to Gaiter, the name Boule simply means the lower congressional house of the Greek Parliament and they were chosen which were chosen as far back as Plato, Aristotle and Socrates.

He says every black person of renown from Hollywood, the entertainment industry, who he calls Michael Michell Obama, Obama, Politicians, Sport celebrities and he names Lebron James who has the Boule tattoo on his chest.

He states these people which include Oprah and Gayle King do Not protect black America regardless of race, creed, color or ethnicity. ..bur rather are chosen by the global, luciferian elite of these 9 families

From the Rothschild’s to the 9th family you find the LI family out of Hong Kong.

He says Covid-19 is not called that because it came out last year, but rather represents the 19th strand r pathogen within the Severe Acute Respiratory Family.

So these Nine families choose Nine Black men.
Rothschild Protected by Alpha Phi Alpha
Oppenheimer Protected by Alpha Kappa Psi
Warburg (financial system of FED) Protected by Omega Psi Phi
Rockefeller Protected by Phi Beta Sigma
Astor Protected by Lots Phi Theta
Bilderberg Protected by Alpha Kappa Alpha
Hasburg Protected by Delta Sigma Theta
Sassoon (Drug Trade) Protected by Zeta Phi Beta
Li Protected by Sigma Gamma Rho
70 -80% of Black Lawyers are part of the Boule Secret Society
80% of Black Doctors are Boule
80% Dentists are part of Boule
75% of Black Teachers are part of Boule Secret Society
Professors, people inside of Universities and Colleges and those in Clnical Psychology all Chosen to Protect the System that has the world in Spiritual and Financial Enslavement!

Vidal Sassoon is a direct descendant of one of the most powerful Kazarian dynasties who still control India today.. They back the global cocaine trade.

In Boule the men are called Archona from the Lexicon “demon.”

Kim Foxx, who got Jussie Smollett off is Boule and a 33rd degree mason from a chapter in Chicago. She is related to both Obama and Kamala Harris.

They got Smottett off with the financial backing of George Soros. Soros doesn’t care about Black People. . .It’s about control and financial enslavement!
Chosen men
Dr. Henry McKee Minton
Dr. W.E.B. Dubois
They had sold out black America in the 1920’s.

Why would they sell out their black brothers?

Gaiter says what he calls the Black Bourgeoisi or Black Nobility of black America where they are forced to sell out their own people.

For example, the political scientist Dr. Andrew Hacker, said in his book called, Two Nations, Black and White…

In chapter 3,

We have a black middle class, but it only exists at the sufferance or the mercy from white America. We decide of you will be allowed in which positions and how many of you is too many. We pick how we do that and are careful about the numbers.

The original Boule symbol was part woman, part man, part lion which depicts the transgendered sexual disorientation of the luciferian deep state and the Boule Secret Society is the twin brother of the Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones are Baphomet worshippers at the tattoo with the phrase. .Solve et Coagula is on both arms of the Baphomet.

Those. Terms are also on the arm of the writer JK Rowling.

Gaiter believes it means they are going to use the Boule to dissolve the population in order to make space for the blood of the elite.

It means to Dissolve a population in order to make space for the blood of the elite.

To dissolve through the IMF, through the world bank, through Agenda 21 and 30 all backed by the financial backing of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (Event 201) and the George Soros Open Society Foundation.

This code is imprinted on JK Rowling’s arm.

There are 9 Black Greek Letter Secret Societies,
Each secret society was created not by Black Americans, but rather the Rockefeller foundation in 1904 out of Philadelphia.

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