The birds can fly around the sky without ruffles their wings. Likewise, the fish can dive in the ocean without affray. The interactions of lives jiggle pains. That has being the nature of our existence. Discrimination has been the adversive effect of human unity.
Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, disability, religious beliefs, region and so on. Discrimination has been a breath taking occurrence since human existence. It lead to menace that ilflicting punishment to unsinned soul. It generate unnecessary oppression on baseless reason. More often than not, this sensitized the oppressed to defend, protect and retaliate themselves from the menace that regard them to be lesser creatures.
America civil war in 19th century, America has to pay a price that was pernicious in term of war which claims about six hundred thousand lives of the citizens and properties which perished along. A lot of similar consequences has been in attendance hitherto.The current challenge that is hitching nearly all nations can absolutely be traced to discrimination. When you see citizens of a country wager dagger against one another, one will know that it is a serious issue that proper attention must be brought.
Tribal difference is pulling all nation from the center in an attempt to tear it apart. Ethnicity and religious gap between the occupants of the same national space is a heart frozen news that flood the media headlines. Nigeria started her own agitation in 1966, and up till today the wound fester then is still fresh till today. The spain hemisphere cannot rest based on the reason of marginalization and discrimination. Catalonia belief that their fortune can extricably exist on a separate board to that of Spain. Cameroon also had their story to tell concerning discrimination which led to agitation for secession.
More importantly, discrimination do emanate from our immediate environment and has it tentacles expand to become national and international issue. I owned the opinion that if we could all stay clear of bigotry sentiments, bias self-esteem, egocentrism and sorts of difference that divide us, we can do better and have peace to prevail amidst the synapse existing between us. Also, we must see religions, ethnicity, race, regional differences as an integration to diversify our living and as an approval to make us fit to live together. In the end, all united will stand and every divided will fall.
Discriminations: The trauma across nations
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