Strip View or...?

in imaging •  7 years ago  (edited)

I find Las Vegas to be a photographer's playground in its own right. When I stay at a hotel on the infamous Las Vegas Blvd. strip I must be one of the few who asks for a room with a view to the back of the hotel, rather than the front view, or AKA the strip view.

But this is why:

Which view would you choose? ( I can also post a pic of the strip if you wish, feel free to ask)
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Wow!!! That's really beautiful! I have never been to Vegas! or.... seen the strip view! hehhe I'd like to see it!!! :)
@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon :)

Amazing that Vegas was built in the middle of nowhere...just desert.

its kinda like Disney when you think of it! it was just "worthless swamp land"

not anymore ;)

You got it!!